Question about post-wisdom teeth removal!

Question: Question about post-wisdom teeth removal
when you get your wisdom teeth out at first, what exactly is it like in terms of pain, irritability, and what you can eat.? would you be able to eat ice cream normally a day afterwards or would it be too cold or something like that..

lookin for personal experience, not links btw
Health Question & Answer

Depends on the person, all experiences are different.. Pain and discomfort can last from a day to 14 days.. You can expect swelling and pain to increase over the course of about 3 days and then begin to subside.. Narcotic painkillers are usually provided as well as an anti-biotic to prevent infection and a NSAID or Non Steroidal Anti-inflammatory drug such as ibuprofen (Advil) at around 6-800mg/6-8 hours.. Typically, liquids are suggested for the first 24 hours, and then mushy foods such as mashed potatoes, grits or scrambled eggs.. Ice cream is great, you want to shy away from hot foots of any kind, but cold ones are usually suggested - as always listen to the doc's instructions.. No straws, smoking or anything that has to do with oral suction, as this may cause blood clots to dislodge from the wounds causing "dry sockets" - take it from me, don't let this happen.. All in all it sucks for a few day but it's defiantly not the end of the world.. Gather some good books and movies, and you will need a friend or relative to look after you for the first 24 hours if your procedure includes being anesthetized..

Its a routine operation, so not to worry..Health Question & Answer

The pain is very intense after the novacaine wears off.. Ask the dentist for a prescription for pain medicine and take it BEFORE the novacaine wears off completely.. You can eat only soft foods the first day.. You did not say how many teeth were being pulled at once.. If you only do one side of your mouth, you can eat somewhat normally in 2 days by eating on the side that did not have the teeth removed.. If you want them all out at the same time - you will be drinking food for a week.. Egg Nog, smoothies, the first day, scrambled eggs the second day, nothing that requires chewing.. Ice cream the third day..Health Question & Answer

I had all four of mine removed about 6 months ago.. For me, there wasn't a lot of pain involved.. My dentist gave me a prescription for Motrin or something like that and I didn't need it very long.. Sometimes there was a dull ache and I would take the pain killers..
Be aware that there will be some blood, and it tastes gross.. I had to keep gauze in my mouth for a while..
I could eat normal food the next day, soft foods the first day.. Be careful, though, because some food can get stuck in the holes left where the teeth used to be..
Overall, it wasn't a horrible experience.. I went back to work the next day, no problems..
Good luck!Health Question & Answer

My experiences were just like Suz_Q's.. But I did have a dry socket and that hurt worse than the removal.. Got infected and all nasty.. Yuck..
That was because I didn't do a proper job on rinsing my mouth out with saline.. I was being mobilized to go to Iraq at the time and we didn't exactly have all the things we needed to take care of such problems..Health Question & Answer

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