Rinsing after wisdom teeth surgery!

Question: Rinsing after wisdom teeth surgery
I just had my wisdom teeth extracted this morning and I've only been eating yogurt.. I want to make sure I keep the wound clean, so how should I be rinsing after I eat.? I don't want to make it too forceful but if I only put the water in my mouth and just let it run back out of my mouth, that isn't really effectively cleaning it right.?Health Question & Answer

I just got two of my wisdom teeth out two weeks ago as well.. You are not supposed to rinse or even spit AT ALL the first day.. Tomorrow you should rinse in the morning and the evening by gently swishing around warm salt water or the prescribed mouthwash they probably gave you..
also when you go back to the dentist in a week for your check-up, ask them for a syringe to help clean the area (if any of the sites are still like holes)..Health Question & Answer

If you can stand it tonight, wait.. You should wait at least 24 hours before rinsing or having anything to eat/drink other than clear liquids.. Nothing with bubbles in it, and no sucking through a straw..
I'm sure you've heard of the dreaded "dry socket"........all of these things are preventative measures.. You don't want anything to disturb the clots that are forming in the sockets......so try to hold off if you can..Health Question & Answer

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