A new dentist or an old one.!

Question: A new dentist or an old one..
My old dentist is very much of a great distance from my home so it would be an anxiety ridden journey (say 30 minutes or more) to get there but I've been to him in the past so I do know him..

The thing is I've been thinking of starting fresh with a new dentist which is only a ten minute walk down the road but I wouldnt know him..

What in your opinion would be the best bet, a dentist who you know but is miles away or starting with a new dentist which is less than a mile away..Health Question & Answer

It depends on a few things..
1.. Can you afford the extra gasoline required to make the round trip to the old dentist.?

2.. Can you justify this added expense - and this added time.? e..g.., is the long-distance dentist a great dentist.? Do you have a really good relationship with him.? Is he compassionate.? Does he provide proper pain control during procedures and after procedures (if needed).? How does the price of a visit to his office compare to the price of an office visit to the new dentist.? Does your current job, financial situation and lifestyle allow the extra time necessary for the one-hour round trip to see the "old dentist.?"

3.. Do you know anyone in your current neighborhood who can highly recommend the "new" dentist.? If so, what does this person say about him.? How does the info.. stack up to all that you know about your former dentist.?

4.. If you've never met the new dentist, have you considered stopping in to his office and conducting a sort of informal interview so that you can get an idea of what he and his staff are like, before you leave the old dentist.?

Perhaps, if you don't feel up to asking the new dentist direct questions, you could explain your dilemma to his assistant and seek her/his opinion.. The assistant should be able to answer most of your questions because she works for him; surely she is familiar with his work habits and 'bedside manner" as well as his prescribing practices, price of an office visit, insurance requirements, etc....Health Question & Answer

How about scheduling a consultation with the new dentist.? This is totally normal and is a great way to feel him/her out.. Ask questions, tell him/her your fears (if any)..
If you like the new dentist after your meeting, why not switch.? It's closer and more convienent..
Another suggestion would be to go to the new dentist for a cleaning.. Make sure you are happy with the hygenist as well!!!! Health Question & Answer

old dentist betterHealth Question & Answer

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