What is the braces procedure?!

Question: What is the braces procedure.?
I am getting braces next week and I want to know everything.. thanks<3Health Question & Answer

Getting braces is a pretty simple procedure.. visit www..braceface..com it will tell you the whole procedure in detail with some pictures!
But I also have some tips for you
1.. Put on chapstick before you go
2.. Stock up on plenty of soft foods ( Yogurt, Muffins, Bananas, etc.. )
3.. Relax! :D Health Question & Answer

yo i just want 2 start off sayin dat braces SuKkKkKkK!
The procedure is not painful at al.. First they put these swabs in your mouth along wit a spit sucker to get your mouth dry.. They leave it there for a few minutes after that they put a paste on your teeth where they will apply the brackets.. Then they just press the brackets aginst your tooth and once they do that they put the wire and the rubberbands around the brackets.. On the brightside they let you pik a color for your rubberbands..Health Question & Answer

Well for me ( I have SPEED Braces) they put some stuff on your teeth to make the cement and brackets adhere to your tooth's surface, then cut a wire down to size and fed them into the open brackets and then closed 'em...... obviously lol.. I went back every 6 weeks to get my wire replaced with a tighter one and I recently got elastics called "Power Chains".. I get those changed with my wires every 4 weeks now.. No colourful elastics on my brackets for me! Thank God.. Your teeth feel like there is a lot of pressure on them and for me, I wanted to rip them out of my face 'cause it was an irritating feeling for me baha.. You can't really eat for about a week after you get them on.. I brush my teeth for like 5 minutes now too.. It's also a good idea to floss..Health Question & Answer

well firs they put the braces on (duh) and it usually goes like this (well more or less, its been like 5 years)
they make you brush your teeth to get them clean, then they use like a fluoride cleaner on your teeth after that.. after, they put on a glue and put the bands around your molars, then they put each bracket on your teeth..when thats done, they put the wire through each of the brackets, and put the little elastics around each bracket.. it might be different on you, but that's basically what they did to me.. plus a few other things, but i can't remember it exactly..
then your teeth are probably gonna hurt for a few days after that because your teeth are moving around a lot.. just keep up with the pain killers, they help =D
and about every month following that, they will take off the little elastics and replace them.. plus whatever else they might need to do on your teeth..

some tips and advice are to keep your teeth as clean as you can.. brush and floss twice a day, use a fluoride rinse to help restore vitamins and stuff to your teeth, and try to avoid sticky candies cuz they are such a pain to get out.. listen to what your ortho has to say too, if he tells you to do things (like wearing head gear for example) wear it, cuz otherwise it'll take longer for your teeth to move..

that's about it (as much as i have experienced that is) any other questions just ask your ortho about it, i'm sure they'd be happy to help..
and in the end, its all worth it for a nice smile =D
so hope i helped Health Question & Answer

1.. teeth pulled..
2.. spacers, they hurt really really bad..
3.. braces..

your mouth WILL hurt for a couple days.. just take ibuprofen..
they put like this glue on and glue those metal parts to your teeth..
then they ask you what colors you want and they put a wire in and tighten it.. they might give you a headgear to sleep in if you have a big overbite.. they put a piece in my mouth to help me stop sucking my thumb also..

i remember my braces days.. =]Health Question & Answer

ya i just got mine to,there not fun but if you do what they say and not eat the things they tell you not to eat you will get them off a lot faster..Breaking brackets and stuff only slows down the processHealth Question & Answer

this will tell you everything

.wikipedia..org/wiki/Dental_braces" rel="nofollow">http://en..wikipedia..org/wiki/Dental_brac......Health Question & Answer

Well first off it doesn't hurt at all..Health Question & Answer

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