Getting my wisdom teeth removed...!

Question: Getting my wisdom teeth removed......
I'll be getting my wisdom teeth removed soon, (probably all 4......)
On Monday, I have to go for a consultation with the dentist and he'll tell me what they need to do......I'm sure he'll give me the answers if I ask him, but, I'm suddenly curious......
One of my friends told me that I WILL NOT be awake during this surgery, no matter what...... She said they won't leave you awake during all of this, because you could go into mom guessed that they would just give me a Novocaine shot, and I know that I'll still be conscious if they do that ...... I would honestly much rather be knocked out (asleep) through this whole procedure......
Can anyone tell me what they WILL do.? I don't really care if I'm awake, but, I would be less stressed if they're going to put me to sleep......
Health Question & Answer

They will do what you ask them to do.. It should be your choice - local or general anesthesia.. My suggestion, do the general anesthesia and be put completely asleep.. This will guarantee that you will feel no pain.. And like you said, you won't have to be awake and be stressed out by what you see going on around you.. Once they put the IV in your arm with the anesthesia, you will fall asleep in half a minute and in what feels like a minute, you will be awake again and everything is done.. They will also inject shots into your mouth (local anesthesia) but this will be after you have fallen asleep so you won't feel anything.. And once you wake up, go get your pain killers and take them on a tight schedule and you should be fine.. I had mine removed yesterday morning, and so far, no pain at all..

Good luck..Health Question & Answer

You should just ask them how and what they are going to do.. They will probably be more than cooperative to explain how it will work.. also, if you would rather be asleep during the procedure, which is what I would prefer, you could just say that you would be more comfortable asleep and ask if they would be willing to do that.. Hope that helps.. :)

EDIT: Remember to be sure to eat soft foods for a while afterward until the pain wears off some, and if needed, take some painkillers like Tylenol or Ibuprofen..Health Question & Answer

i actually gotten them all removed today!! well the doc that did it to me was very gentle.. he numbed with local anesthesia and i didn't feel a thing.. he said that being asleep can be dangerous.. Health Question & Answer

im getting three wisdom teeth and four besides that , im scared, of whats going to happen when its over.. they are suppose to be putting me to sleep for the removal but im sure all cases maybe differentHealth Question & Answer

it fricken hurts man...... lol i cnt describe the pain.. ive got 2 of them removed and the next day my cheeks puffed upHealth Question & Answer

most dentist wont remove all four wisdom teeth at once but that depends whether or not their impacted..
being awake is actually a good way to do it.. its safer but u hear things that will make u jump..
welll my dentist uses something like orajel or something first to numb the area where he is gonna inject the novacaine.. i dont rly feel anything unless the tooth doesnt numb.. if the tooth doesnt numb the dentist will send u to an oral surgeon to get them removed.. being asleep u get it done quicker and dont feel anything til after u wake up..
well after the injections of novacain the dentist will cut you gum open to see the tooth if its impacted.. then if its impacted prolly some drilling to cut it in half and make the removal of the tooth easier.. it all depends on the dentist and how the teeth are positioned and what not..Health Question & Answer

well I had all 4 removed on Tuesday and they put me to sleep for all of my surgery, first they give you some of the gas then I had a Ive put in me after a bit then they put some stuff in the Ive bag and I was out then they woke me up and sent me home.. I was put on hydroco ( a pain killer) and a steroid for 2 days to take away swelling.. You will ice for the first 2 days then after 2 you do heat.. My Novocaine wore off like 13 hours after surgery.. Get lots of ice cream and soft food because you can not open your mouth like more than 1 inch.. It suck Health Question & Answer

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