Sealants on teeth that had cavities?!

Question: Sealants on teeth that had cavities.?
I've had so many cavities on my back teeth.. My dentist, who is supposed to be the greatest dentist in our town, doesn't do sealants or never said anything about them.. I've been going to him since I was very young.. I just found out about sealants and I've had cavities in my back teeth.. I have an appointment to get my cavities removed and filled.. But my question is, can I get sealants on my back teeth that previously had cavities and fillings.? Or could a dentist (I'll have to find one that does sealants) remove my cavity and then put sealant.?
I'm in my mid-20's and I barely eat sweets.. I brush twice a day with anti-cavity toothpaste and use anti-cavity Listerine.. Please help me out! :) Health Question & Answer

If your tooth has a filling, that filling also acts as a sealant.. The material used to do a sealant is very similar to the material use for white fillings..

Therefore sealants are usually good for teeth that had no fillings in order to protect them from cavities.. You cannot remove a filling and put a sealant..Health Question & Answer

Most dentists would do sealants on virgin teeth to prevent decay.. It is also acceptable to do sealants on filled teeth if it fills pits and fissures.. You have to have your teeth filled first though..Health Question & Answer

Once you have fillings on the chewing surfaces of your teeth you can NOT get sealants!........ sealants are for teeth that do not have any fillings on the chewing surfaces.. its too late! don't have a bad dentist......just bad common senseHealth Question & Answer

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