This is a really random question, but its disgusting when!

Question: This is a really random question, but its disgusting when
i wake up after wearing my clear retainers all night, and my mouth tastes bad and the retainers smell bad and theres a bunch of discolored saliva in them.. i cant bear to keep them on in the morning so i run to the bathroom, take them out, rinse them off, and brush.. yes, i brush before bed, and in the morning..
my question is, why do they get so disgusting and horrid, & how can i prevent this.?Health Question & Answer

i have the same retainers! yeah they do smell and they are grody..
but it's from stomach acid that comes up to your mouth while you
sleep.. that might sound weird, but it's true.. that's why your dentist freak out about brushing your teeth in the morning.. because the stomach acid can mess up the enamel on your teeth, so you need to get it off when you wake up.. :]Health Question & Answer

Haha, I hear ya! It is pretty gross, in fact the cause is even more gross..

The smell, hallitosis, is actually caused by germs in your mouth making waste in the wet warm enviornment over night.. So yes, the taste, smell, and sticky film on the retainer is germ waste.. Health Question & Answer

May I suggest you talk to your doctor..

Otherwise, run your retainer through the dishwasher, or soak it in polident or something like that to get it clean.. You could also brush it with toothpaste to clean it.. Health Question & Answer

put your retainers in mouth wash for about 15 minutes, if that doesn't help, do the same thing, then put toothpaste on the retainers then out them in your mouth.. Health Question & Answer

mouth washHealth Question & Answer

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