What does it mean if you dreamed that your teeth are fallin/rotting out?!

Question: What does it mean if you dreamed that your teeth are fallin/rotting out.?
i've heard some different things..
but what do you think.?.?....Health Question & Answer

I have one of those cheesy books that you can order online for $9..99 they tell you what your dreams mean.. Its 600 pages thick and has pictures, diagrams, and a bunch of other physic stuff.. Any who, it gives a detailed description depending on how your teeth fall out in your dream...... but the bottom line is, if you have a dream where your teeth are falling out; you are a very conceited person.. You are the one that strives to be the best and think highly of yourself and you are scared to lose that.. Even on a subconscious level.. Don't worry though, its not anything bad.. I even used to have a dream where my teeth fell out...... every night!

Hope that helped!Health Question & Answer

Well dreams are dreams so whenever you have this and that kind of dreams we usually put meaning on it.. But what we do not know is that dreams are shadow like before we sleep we think about it and then all of a sudden you wake up like it's true.. If you're a believer you usually put meaning in every dream you have it's not bad but don't get too affected by it coz you are the one who is making choices and acting it.. so probably you are just tired or having a tooth ache..Everything's happen for a reason and sometimes it is just coincidence.. If that dream occur again and again try to examine your teeth or gum's maybe you have a problem with that..Health Question & Answer

I occasionally have this dream too, and was surprised to learn this year in one of my dentistry classes that people who dream this are often bruxors (teeth grinders)! I guess it's a bit like the old joke about the guy who dreams he is eating a marshmallow and wakes up with a missing pillow......:) This makes sense (I know I definitely grind), but who would have thought.?Health Question & Answer

I have this dream all the time too.. I dream that my teeth are just falling out as I'm chewing food! I've researched it and I guess it is symbolic for the fear of losing control or being out of control of your life.. Interesting huh.?!Health Question & Answer

It was just a dream.. I had it too.. As soon as I woke up I felt around for them and look in the mirror! I was so afraid! Please help!

.yahoo..com/question/index.?qid=20080803200657AAB2Ezv" rel="nofollow">http://answers..yahoo..com/question/index.?......Health Question & Answer

i've been having recurring dreams like thatHealth Question & Answer

Ive had that dream twice: once when I got my braces on, and once i got them on......Health Question & Answer

i have this returning dream!I'm touching my teeth, and they re all loose and some are falling out!Health Question & Answer

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