Why exactly would someone need to get a root canal done?!

Question: Why exactly would someone need to get a root canal done.?
Your tooth has several layers.. The top is the enamel, then a soft layer underneath (dentin), and the middle is the pulp.. The pulp is where the nerve and blood supply are in your tooth.. Normally, a root canal is done when a cavity gets so deep that it enters the pulp.. The dentist drills all the way into the pulp and takes out the nerve, then fills in the space where the nerve used to be.. This kills the tooth, but makes your mouth feel much happier..

also, sometimes people need root canals if they traumatize a tooth.. Like they got in a car accident or someone punched them in the face.. This can aggravate the pulp and they only way to relieve it is through a root canal..Health Question & Answer

Because the root of the tooth has become infected from bacteria and plaque, wihch causes a boil on a person's gum, which needs to be drained (root canal)..Health Question & Answer

insurance or lots of cashHealth Question & Answer

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