Laughing gas? What is it like?!

Question: Laughing gas.? What is it like.?
i have to get laughing gas because i am getting 2 of my back molars pulled.. (the roots are still all the way in so that just makes me more nervous!) anyway, some questions:

1) how long does it take you to feel "weird.?"
2) do you really laugh or fall asleep or whatsoever.?
3) what exactly does it feel like.?
4) do you say stuff randomly when you inhale the stuff.? like when your laying there.?
5) does it make you sick at all.?
6) will you still feel pain.?
7) how long does the laughing gas last.?
8) is it relaxing.?
9) are you SURE you don't say stuff.?
10) if you want to tell me more about it you can......


Health Question & Answer

ha i had the same thing as u in december and decided also not to get anesthesia that knocks u out but rather get laughing gas and novacaine.. and i definitly do recommend that to people rather then gettin knocked out..

1.. it takes like 10 minutes about for me, but it depends on how hard/fast u breath it in, the more breathes u take the more relaxed u get, the less, the less relaxed..
2.. you get really relaxed and could fall asleep.. its good though cause you know whats going on but your too relaxed to care..
3.. it just makes you really relaxed and calm while they are cutting ur gums lol
4.. nah you don't, u control it basically which i really liked.. they put the air tube under your nose and if you dont want anymore u can breath through your mouth, as i said though the more breathes u take the more relaxed ull get, the less u take the feeling goes away more
5.. no not at all
6.. yes but im sure your getting novacaine which numbs the gums so you dont feel it.. the only thing that hurts is the needle to inject the novacaine
7.. well after ur done with this they give you oxygen to breath in to get rid of the feeling so as soon as your done
8.. yes
9.. yes this is funny cause i was wondering these same questions cause i didnt want to say something stupid to my mom after it
10.. these are all things that were based on my experience in getting the molar fixed/wisdom tooth pulled..

it was actually a fun experience being so relaxed lol.. just the aftermath might be annoying with swollen cheeks.. but i was not in a lot of pain.. i only took a painkiller once.. trsut me i was really nervous before and it came out to be no big deal..Health Question & Answer

Don't be nervous..


1..) A few minutes..

2..) No you don't laugh or fall asleep..

3..) You feel drunk.. It's actually kind of relaxing =O

4..) No you are silent the whole time.. You are so relaxed that you don't feel like talking..

5..) No it doesn't make you sick..

6..) You might feel pain AFTER the treatment..

7..) It lasts until the treatment is over..

8..) Yes, very,

9..) I'm sure..

10..) I was scared at first but it turned out fine.. Don't worry about it =)Health Question & Answer

1.. about 30 seconds
2.. it makes you very very happy (i wanted to sing!)
3.. it smells funny, but not bad at first.. and you feel sleepy
4.. no, not really..
5.. not at all.. you feel wonderful
6.. absolutely not! they also give you shots but the laughing gas numbs that pain
7.. as long as they keep it on.. then they give you lots of oxygen to revive you
8.. yes, very
9.. well, i didnt
10.. its kind of wierd.. like after 1 minute, it feels like you are in a dream.. i actually fell asleep for 2 minutes while getting 4 teeth pulledHealth Question & Answer

1) like less than 30 seconds
2) like less than 30 seconds.. :P
3) it feels like you can't breathe and your gagging
4) you dont say stuff unless you want to
5) you dont get sick.... you fall asleep.. XD
6) not unless they didnt give you enough
7) how ever long they need it too
9) YEs.. haha..
10) thats about it.. it sucks.. XDHealth Question & Answer

Laughing gas did absolutely nothing for me.. It felt more like oxygen than anything..Health Question & Answer

i don't feel much different.. if anything i feel a little lighter.. like floating.. hahaHealth Question & Answer

It's very circumstantial.. Some patients laugh, some patients are quiet, some do kind of doz off.. It really depends on your body..

When I had to have it:

1.. It took me a very short time, just a matter of minutes..
2.. I giggled a little, but I was awake and alert
3.. It just kind of made me feel numb and happy, and I saw a few pink fuzzies.. And I couldn't really make out words, I could just hear sounds, but they blurred together..
4.. I didn't say anything except: Holy ****.. You are putting a scalpel into me, and I don't even feel it..
5.. It made me sick, but all forms of anesthesia do.. I've had pateients who come out of twilight or mild-sedative who are perfectly fine..
6.. You won't feel pain, but you may feel discomfort..
7.. It'll last for about an hour or two after the surgery..
8.. Very relaxing..
9.. Pretty positive......
10.. I think that's about all there is! Health Question & Answer

1) it does not take long to feel weird.. just a few minutes
2) you dont really laugh or fall asleep like crazy you just feel really weird
3) it feels like you're floating or at least really light and you feel just out of it
4) not really its just hard to remember the conversations you had while you were on it.. like i said you're out of it
5) it didn't make me sick but it could i guess if its too much or on a person to person basis
6) you might still feel a little pain but if you're using it with a doctor they'll give you pain meds too like at the dentist
7) it just depends on how much you inhale it can last quite a while
8) it is kind of relaxing you don't really care about anything
9) whether or not you say stuff is still kind of on a person to person basis
10) this is kind of the basics everyone reacts a little differently thoughHealth Question & Answer

1.. im sure it happens pretty quickly (1-5 minutes.?)
2.. no you dont really laugh, and you don't fall asleep.. it just numbs you..
3.. you feel tingly like ants are crawling all over you (its not that bad dont worry)
4.. no you dont say random stuff its a mask over your nose and mouth
5.. it shouldn't make you sick.?
6.. no you do not feel pain but you probably do a little bit after the gas wears off
7.. (it depends on how much they give you)
8.. i dont think it would be relaxing lol
9.. ok im not SURE but it doesn't make you high so i doubt it would make you say strange things
Health Question & Answer

1.. depends on you.. it took me a while, but some people feel weird in a matter of minutes..
2.. i giggled some.. which really felt weird because nothing was funny lol.. i also felt a little sleepy but not enough to fall asleep..
3.. its really odd.. the gas doesn't smell different but it gives u a kinda happy, upbeat feeling.. its hard to describe..
4.. no.. dont worry about that..
5.. nope.. it shouldn't..
6.. it depends on how much anesthetic is used but most likely you won't.. the dentists are very good at this stuff(:
7.. as long as you're inhaling it
8.. as long as you're not worrying too much about the extractions (which you shouldn't) its great..
9.. i guess its possible but i never heard of anyone doing that..
10.. i was really worried when i had to get 4 of my teeth extracted, but with the anesthetic and laughing gas, i didn't feel much.. it was an interesting experience..
and remember, the reaction you'll get is different for each person.. good luck and don't worry! Health Question & Answer

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