I had to have my gums scaled today and apparently have some pretty bad gingivitis. Can you help?!

Question: I had to have my gums scaled today and apparently have some pretty bad gingivitis.. Can you help.?
I was SO unpleasantly surprised today when I went to a new dentist for a cleaning and they told me I had to have my gums scaled because I had some major gingivitis.. Obviously my other dentist wasn't doing a good job and totally disregarded that my back teeth were covered in tartar (most likely from my braces).. and that the bottom backs of my teeth (from my permanent retainer) had a huge plaque band..

I was especially surprised because I brush and floss twice a day, use mouthwash, etc.. I got a major scraping today throughout my whole mouth and I have to go back in 6 weeks to get the rest cleaned up.. Is there anything special I need to do to keep this at bay.? I'm thinking this is mainly from my braces but my mother has to get this done every time she goes to the dentist because she just has plaque issues..

I was just so floored because she asked me if my gums would bleed when I brushed or flossed and they don't......that's why I was so confused.. Has this kind of thing happened to anybody else where you thought your teeth were extremely healthy but you wound up being told the complete opposite.?Health Question & Answer

I had the same problem with my old dentist not caring and the new one being really thorough.. My gums did bleed when I flossed and that got better with time, so that is a difference from you..

My big problem is that I'm a "mouth-breather" because I have sinus issues.. Any mouth-breathers who use alcohol based mouthwashes are actually making their gums worse (I have an explanation on that one but am too lazy to type it out), so switching to Crest Pro-Health which has no alcohol helps..

It could be from the braces since even with routine brushing/flossing it's still hard to really get in there.. also, most people don't hold their toothbrush at the proper angle when they brush.. I'm not saying that that is your problem, but just in case, ask your dentist the proper way to brush, floss, use mouthwash.. Since I grew up with a dentist who didn't care I never learned to do any of that properly (and yes, most people do all three of them incorrectly), so things cleared up rather quickly once I started doing all that correctly..Health Question & Answer

yes, this situation can happen to anyone.. eventhough you have been into the practice of good oral care habits, you are still prone to have gingivitis because oral bacteria is constantly present inside your mouth.. There are risk factors that can modify the development of gum disease such as smoking, tobacco use, negative effects of certain medication, dry mouth, diabetes and weak immune system..

the formation of plaque is the major cause of gum disease.. plaque is the sticky, colorless substances combined with saliva, food particles and bacteria that accumulates on the surface of the teeth and gum margin.. plaque can be effectively removed by proper brushing and flossing.. however, if it hardens into tartar, only a dental hygienist can remove this through the process of scaling..

gingivitis or early form of gum disease may have vague symptoms or not warning signs at all.. some indications of gum disease are bleeding gums during brushing and flossing, bad breath, swollen gum.. left untreated can cause the disease to progress causing mobile teeth and tooth loss accompanied by gum recession..

the improper use of toothbrush can cause gum irritation, swelling and inflammation.. learn the proper techniques of proper brushing and flossing of teeth, in this way you can avoid dental problems like bleeding and swollen gums.. the lack of proper oral care can make gum problems recur.. dental cleanings on a regular basis is best in removing of bacterial plaque which causes dental problems.. you may also use an all natural oral care product to help keep bad bacteria at bay that causes sore gums..

visit .oramd..com" rel="nofollow">http://www..oramd..com for more tips about gum care..

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