Wisdom Teeth Question!

Question: Wisdom Teeth Question
ok, i am afraid i will have to get my wisdom teeth pulled out because when i feel my gums with my tongue, it feels like there is no room back there when they grow in.. does it hurts, what kind of freezing do they use.?! please help, i hate anything to do with this!Health Question & Answer

Just relax and don't stress out about it.. It's nothing to worry about.. I really hate dental work, so getting a surgery in my mouth was no fun for me to think about either.. But I just had four of my wisdom teeth removed last week (they were all impacted), and I can tell you that it is not worth worrying about..

They will give you a gas mask for oxygen and they also say they will give you some laughing gas.. Most of the time, the laughing gas will make you feel a bit light-headed and relaxed so you won't even notice if they put the IV in you.. For me, the laughing gas has no effect on me so I was completely conscious for the IV.. The surgeon put a rubber band around my arm so they could see the veins more clearly and it was a tiny pinch and the IV was injected.. It feels just like a small shot.. You will fall asleep in literally less than half a minute so you won't even get much of a chance to see anything.. The actual operation takes about 5-6 minutes per tooth.. And after they are finished, it will usually take you about 10 minutes to wake up.. But the whole thing really only feels like a minute..

As long as you use general anesthesia, and take your painkillers on a tight schedule, and follow your doctor's instructions on post-operative care, you will be fine.. I haven't had any real pain with the surgery yet, and almost no swelling.. So, don't worry about it.. Trust me, once you get into that chair and they put you on the IV, you won't even get a chance to worry about it.. You will fall asleep and a minute later, you're done and out of there.. Really..Health Question & Answer

I was so scared when I had to get my wisdom teeth pulled out.. The morning of the surgery I cried all the way there (I'm not going to tell you how old I am, but I was old enough not to be displaying this behavior lol).. When I got there they put a IV in my arm, which was only a little painful and then 2 minutes I was asleep.. After an hour I woke up and the surgery was done.. It doesn't hurt to much afterwards because they give you so many drugs to numb the pain.. Long and the short of it's if you have to do it's not a big deal..Health Question & Answer

I had mine removed about 18 months ago.. I was in a dentist's chair but under a general anesthetic (fully asle so I did not feel a thing.. I woke up after an hour or so with no wisdom teeth.. There was a little pain after 2 days of heavy painkillers but immediately there was no trouble, just a bit of blood oozing out..

If you can get it done under General anesthetic, do it..Health Question & Answer

Hey There! I had my wisom teeth pulled all 4 of them.. They were still impacted...... not breaking threw the skin yet.. When I would put my tongue back there I couldn't feel much space either...... but there were no issues for quite some time...... then I started getting bad head aches and the dentist told me it was due to the pressure the wisdom teeth was putting on my others were causing that! When I got mine taken out they gave me and anesthetic and aa 12 hour novacane and that seemed to be fine.... the healthing process and after the proceedure sucked! but it was not that horrible!!!Health Question & Answer

here's my honest honest advice
DON'T ask people, especially on here

for some reason people love telling stories of pain and misery
i had all 4 of mine taken out at the same time, they were impacted (which basically means they were growing in under my back teeth)

when i got them out i was in the hospital
i cried and cried before the procedure, people had scared me so bad!
but it wasn't nearly as bad as i thought, honestly!!!

so my advice is NOT to ask people on here, as there are some meanies that might try to scare the heck out of ya
Health Question & Answer

yes it hurts, both my sisters got theres takin out, and one of them's was so bad her throat was swelled shut and had to go to the ER

well good luck, the meds work pretty good tho 8D

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it all depends on your sensitivity.. Some people if hurts only a few days afterward others i know were in pain for about two weeks.. but it is a routine thing and is not that bad..Health Question & Answer

They put you to sleep and they rip them out..
When I got mine out it hurt for the first couple of days and I was puffy for a week..Health Question & Answer

When you are old enought and if the dentist tells you and your parents that would be needed, you will be old enough to deal with it........until then don't worry......Health Question & Answer

it won't hurt when they are pulling your teeth out, but once the anesthesia wears out, be ready with the advil!Health Question & Answer

coitinly it hoits!!
they tied a string around my wisdom tooth and the other end to a doorknob
when they slammed the door, the knob got yanked off

woop woop woop nyuk nyuk nyuk nyukHealth Question & Answer

I was completely knocked out when they were removed.. My mouth was sore for about 2 days......and have to eat soft foods......you will be fine.. It will be much better in the long run.. Good Luck!Health Question & Answer

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