Does tooth extraction hurt ?!

Question: Does tooth extraction hurt .?
like during and after the procedure.. im getting braces in 2 weeks but for that to happen i need 2 fanged teeth to be extracted.. can anyone cope with me .?Health Question & Answer

i feel your pain, felt
ive had mines for a month now..
first of all
the extractions were made by a relative, kinda sadist used a little local anesthetic but i could still feel the tooth pull from the bottom of my jaw, the other tooth he pulled was so far deep that the teeth directly next to it were wobbly and a little loose..

after the swolleness and bleeding stopped i was able to drink foods again, about a week after the pain started to recede and i could chew rice again, right now its about a month and 2 weeks since and i downed a sirloin steak a couple days ago and had hardees for dinner on tuesday, so its not all bad after the braces stop hurting that bad and the molars stop wiggling its all good,
the hardest part is getting used to sleeping with them and the whole cleanliness of it..

wait.... 2 teef.? if youres are any like mine youre gonna need 2 more extractions in the near futureHealth Question & Answer

Talk to your orthodontist/dentist about local anesthetics.. You'll want the gel on your gum before the local injection, which can be a shock.. If you're really freaked about the pain (I always am), they can prescribe a Valium, which you take an hour before the procedure..

I hate to say this, but even with the locals, it's gonna hurt.. But ONLY for the second or two it takes to pull the teeth.. Then you take Tylenol for any residual pain the rest of the day/evening.. There's always some going on, because you've worked on those nerves..

Taking out healthy teeth is actually less painful than diseased teeth, because you don't have the pain of infection or cavities to deal with along with everything else..

It's worth it, tho! You'll be happy with it all later on! Health Question & Answer

Due to bone disease in my jaw I needed to have all my teeth extracted..

The worst part is the Novocaine shot.. But it is over within seconds.. They do put a topical solution on the area that the shot will be injected that will make it less painful.. Make sure you tell your dentist if you have high blood pressure because they have special Novocaine mixture that must be used for people with high blood pressure.. Tell your dentist of all medications you are on and any health problems..
Once the Novocaine takes effects your dentist will proceed.. If you feel pain while he attempts to pull the teeth make sure you make him aware of that before he proceeds.. He will administer a little more Novocaine..

Novocaine simply makes the area numb and makes you not feel the tooth extraction..

Be brave.. It isn't all that bad.. It is over very quickly..

After wards listen to his instructions carefully on what to do after your teeth are extracted.. There are certain things you can drink and eat and certain things you can not.. I know one thing for certain there is no smoking cigarettes or anything smoke able after the procedure..

The Novocaine will cause your mouth and lips to be numb.. It will pass.. It feels really funny though..

Don't worry.. It is over so quickly.. And being you need this done I guess you have no other choice.. I had no other choice either..

I didn't look forward to it.. But now it is just a memory..

Good luck and take care.. Remember I had to have all my teeth extracted and you need only two.. I got through it and so will you..Health Question & Answer

During a tooth extraction the dentist will probably give you nitrous oxide to let you sleep.. So you won't feel a thing.. Now if the dentist does not give you enough, you might feel like someone probbing your mouth but no pain feeling at all.. Just let the doc know, he'll give you more to ease your discomfort..

After the extraction, you might be really tired.. The pain will be more prominent.. The dentist will give you pain killers to help cope with the pain.. The amount of pain depends on your pain tolerance.. It does hurt afterwards and there will be bleeding for a couple of hours after..

An extraction is surgery so there will be discomfort and pain and blood..

I had 4 wisdom teeth extracted, couldn't open my mouth for 4 days.. Pain subsided around 7 days, completely went away by 2 weeks.. Lost 10 pounds because all i could eat was spoonful of soup.. Health Question & Answer

I work in surgery and ironically I just seen a tooth extraction yesterday.. Honestly, it just depends on your pain tolerance.. I mean rather you get the procedure done at the dentist office or in surgery, you will have either moderate sedation(your not asleep, just really really loopie) or you will be completely under with anesthesia and either way you cannot feel it being done.. Your gums and jaw areas might swell for a few days depending on where they are pulling the teeth out, but the doc should give you some type of medication to take to keep from maximum discomfort.. Good luck, I'm sure that you'll be fine..........Health Question & Answer

OK......lets' put it this way......"Does hitting your thumb with a hammer hurt.?"......The question now becomes, how big is the hammer and how hard do you hit........If you transpose that scenario over to your tooth extraction I would want to know , which tooth are we talking about and is the tooth impacted .? The answer to your overall question is that it's unlikely what you feel will be a pain, it's positive that you will feel pressure and some weird movement as the tooth is being dealt with......but pain, I seriously doubt you will feel that......Good luck and I wish you well..Health Question & Answer

i had one extration the other day.. during dosent hurt.. afterwards dosent eaither.... as long as you take the pain killers they give you.. after it's removed it's very unconfortable because you keep bleeding, (the taste of blood is nasty (mask it with icecream)..

the actual procedure depends on the tooth itself.. it take a second or several mins.. make sure you dont feel anything but pressure when they numb you up..Health Question & Answer

Well this September I'm having 4 more teeth removed....which will total 14 teeth pulled in my total life..
To be totally honest when i was EIGHT i had 4 teeth removed......and it did hurt....
The needle hurt me a little but i had a HORRIBLE dentist who's now fired (:
but if you get oral surgery and they put you under( i went halfway under i was in la-la land) you don't feel a thing..
I wouldn't worry too much the needle to numb you goes in and comes out it gives you a little pinch and then you have them grab the tooth and they wiggle it out( my was STUCK so my head was BOBBING up and down like crazy haha)
don't worry
I've had braces since third grade and im still going......5years...... so far.... ~sigh~ ive seen it all
you'll be ok and it will hurt a bit....
just take some pain relievers and bring a stuffed animal
and what I did the second time i went back(i had two appts.. 4 one time 3 the other when i was 8)Health Question & Answer

no it doesnt.. The worst part is getting the novacaine before they start.. Once they do that, your in.. Some people it takes LITERALLY 2 minutes and your done depending on the root system of your teeth.. When your done, they will give you pain medication when you leave, then a prescription to get more at a pharmacy.. Id recommend this- if you have a far drive from the dentist to your house, Id ask the dentist if you could have extra novacaine.. One time I had a root canal and 2 teeth pulled at the same time and I had a 20 mile drive home.. Bu the time I left the dentist and got home, the novacaine wore off and I was literally in tears from the pain.. They didnt give me pain medication when i left for some reason.. I had to waittttttt till the pharmacy filled it! I dont wanna see you or anyone go thru that.. Seriously though, I understand your nervous, but ull be cool, no lie.. Health Question & Answer

Yes, Getting Teeth extracted can hurt like a mother Figure.. But, sometimes the dentist sticks a needle in my mouth and rubs weird purple stuff on my gums to numb it.. It really depends on how ur dentist does your work.. It also depends on how u take care of ur teeth.. If ur gums are really red then that means its gunna hurt like hell.. I kno for a fact getting wisdom teeth getting pulled hurts alot.. But Try Taking Tylenol or advil before u get ur tooth pulled.. GoodluckHealth Question & Answer

omg no honestly i am 13 and i got 4 pulled i was the same way you are now like it is noooo big deal at all! you don't feel a thing it is a little bit uncomfortable after the procedure, but its not that bad! and if you are worried about braces, DONT BE! if i had known everything would be the way it was i wouldnt have freaked out soo much about getting them.. mkay, hope i helped!Health Question & Answer

I know how you feel.. Last week I finished getting 4 of my teeth pulled out for my braces that I got yesterday.. Well it doesnt really hurt while the procedure is done.. First, the person puts a little cream to calm the gum, then they give your gum and inner lip an injection (the needle hurts but only while they give it :( ] Then its numbed out really well and they use a tool to take them out.. It doesnt hurt and you dont feel it, but for the rest of the day and they day after the tooth area will be sore!

Hope I helped!

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No it don't hurt one bit at all,I had to do the same thing when I was getting braces too..The only difference with me is that I had to extract 4 teeth..first they going to put u to sleep,and when ur wake ur just gonna field dizzy and light pain at all..But make sure u take ur pain killer and also no solid food for a few daysHealth Question & Answer

I had my second bicuspids pulled before I had braces and it was no problem.. I even went swimming the same day.. I even had 4 wisdom teeth pulled out and I wasn't asleep! Just make sure to stay on top of your medication when you are home so you don't feel any pain! Don't worry, you will make it through! Health Question & Answer

Depends...... on the doctor doing the extraction...... and how well you handle pain.. I've seen people have extractions and be down for 2-3 days.. I've had two and was going to the mall that afternoon..
Good luck! Talk to the doctor, I took advil before I went to help with the pain, see what your doctor says about that..Health Question & Answer

my son had this done.. It was sore after and there were meds, but no, during the operation, there is only the feeling of pulling and tugging.. You are given novicane to deaden the area and a shot that you can't even feel
Don't worry, you'll be glad to get it doneHealth Question & Answer

Nope....they will be out before you know it.. The hardest part is the numbing.. !!!!! Just had two back ones pulled......I was suprised how easy it was.. I couldn't believe he was done! IT is quick ! It is a little sore afterwords......but I swear it wasn't bad! I didn't even fill the pain medication......just took some AleiveHealth Question & Answer

no it doesn't hurt, becuz of the nummy stuff and PAINLESS shot they give you.. You only have a little bit of pressure and that's it! The shot is just a little little prick and that's it as well! Good luck with the braces though! That's another story! Health Question & Answer

i got a tooth pulled, and it didnt hurt at all.. The only thing i felt was a little peircing when they numbed my mouth.. After it felt weird cuz ur teeth are missing and ur face is numb.. All i felt while they were pulling it was slight pressure.. You'll be fine!Health Question & Answer

I had all my wisdom teeth pulled (4!).. I wasn't put completely to sleep.. I was basically just numbed.. It didn't hurt, but I couldn't feel my face for a couple hours afterword.. I was also bruised around my jaw for about a week..Health Question & Answer

No.. They numb the area, so you won't feel it.. Afterwards, it wears off.. They won't let you eat Pizza or hard food for a day.. You may take a mild pain killer.. It just mostly feels weird for a day or two afterword.. Nothing to worry about..Health Question & Answer

yeah i had to get 4 molars pulled out before my braces.. at the time it doesnt hurt, because you should get novacane.. but after, it does hurt.. so i suggest drinking A LOT of smoothies.. helped me out a lot.. juice it up mango :)Health Question & Answer

i had to teeth extracted a while back and to me it only hurt when they numb you with the needles, then you don't feel a thing.. even after the procedure there is really no painHealth Question & Answer

While they are extracting it, it shouldn't hurt if they give you enough anesthesia, you just feel a lot of pressure; however, when it wears off you will start feeling painHealth Question & Answer

it dosent hurt but the numming needle hurts if you don't have a good dentist mine was nice and was awesome
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my sister did, shes a wussy but she said it hurt so i assume it does.. I had braces in 6th grade.. dude don't lick your teeth after you get them the glue tastes awfulHealth Question & Answer

They give you shots and numb you up really good.. It just sounds gross......and it didnt hurt me afterwards....the shots just pinch a teeny bit..Health Question & Answer

I got 4 of mine pulled and they didn't hurt at ALL!!!! In fact when they came out I didn't even know they were out.. But of course there is blood but that doesn't hurt so don't worry about that..Health Question & Answer

No, Some strange guy with big hands puts his foot on your chest and yanks a tooth from deep inside the bones in your mouth......but it feels great..Health Question & Answer

Yes,it does hurt after wards.. Your dentist should give you pain medication.. You will be uncomfortable for a few days..Health Question & Answer

hmm i dont want to scare you but it way hurt a bit....
Umm they i think first put a shot so it numbs your mouth....After that i dont think your going to feel anything....Health Question & Answer

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