Question about crowns!

Question: Question about crowns
I just came back from the dentist and the temporary crown that he put on my two front teeth (8,9) doesn't feel right.. Every time I bite, my bottom teeth hit the back of my two front teeth, so I can't really bite at all.. He also made one tooth longer than the other.. There is like this black blood spot in the bottom of my gum in between the two front teeth, is there any way I can get rid of that.? I used to have a really good smile, but I think he ruined it.? Another question, is the temporary crown supposed to be one piece or two separate pieces.? Because I think he took some kind of filling and then basically carved in two fake teeth just in the front, the back feels like a square.. I can't floss in between.. Will the permanent crowns look like real teeth and be the right size and everything.? What foods can I eat.? How long does it take for the permanent crowns to come.? And can I brush my teeth.? Sorry for asking so many questions, but can anyone help.?Health Question & Answer

temporary crowns are not made to look the best because they are only temperary.. if it feels uncomfortable call the dentist and ask to go back, they may be a 'high spot' which is like a lump on the matieral which only needs to be sanded down.. really quick..
If two teeth next to each other need temp crowns then yes it is suppose to be one piece.. It is not advised to floss around your temp crown because it can fall out so the temp is just made into one piece..
Because the temporary crowns are only in for a couple of days/weeks the material usually comes in one colour..

Dont eat ANY sticky or really hard foods because your temp crown will caome out.. stick to soft foods and try to avoid biting on your front teeth.. and yes you can brush your teeth, just gently..
if your temp does fall out, call the dentist and make an appt.. he can just glue it back in
Your real crowns will come back looking like real teeth, dont worry..

Any worries about your temp crown or real crown, you will need to speak to your dentist.. he should of told you all this, call him and make another appt to make your temp crown more comfortable..Health Question & Answer

Yes.. The crown DOES belong to me.. Thank you for asking!Health Question & Answer

I'm not very good on dentistry, but if you want to, seek your dentist for a way to fix your problem..Health Question & Answer

If your bite is uncomfortable, go back to the dentist and have him correct it, probably just sand a bit off.. While you are there, ask him all the other questions.. He should have told you all this at your appointment..
I have noticed they do not make the temps look great, otherwise you could say, hey, this is good enough, never mind the permanent (and more expensive) crown.. The permanent crown should be perfect, it might feel a little "big" at first, but it should be great.. If not, keep going back until you are satisfied.. Depending on what lab they use, the crowns could take maybe two weeks or so.. They could have told you that too.. I would be gentle with the temps, not a time to bite into apples, or taffy.. The worst that could happen is it would come out and the dentist would have to reglue it.. I am sure you have paid much money for the services of the dentist.. Make sure you are satisfied with the results.. They cannot correct things unless you tell them..Health Question & Answer

Good replies from everyone that sum it all up really..
It is important to get the temporary crowns adjusted if your bite is incorrect,it does not take long to do and they should have told you this......especially if your lip and teeth were numb at the time as you would be biting slightly differently..
the permanent crowns should be fine as they are made using the impressions they took ( remember the guey stuff.?),and they will be perfected by the dental technician..
Clean the teeth,including the gum,gently but effectively using a soft toothbrush and small circles..
The small blood spot will probably be due to the slight trauma to the gum,when all the work was will go away..
Good luck when you pick up your crowns..
There is no excuse for not telling you what to expect or at least they should have given you some leaflets!!!
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