I had surgery on my mouth last Thursday?!

Question: I had surgery on my mouth last Thursday.?
I'm going to have two teeth implants in 4 or 5 months..

I couldn't have them now because I didn't have enough bone where my teeth would be..

So Thursday my doctor took bone from another part of my mouth and put it where my teeth are gonna be.. (He said the bone would grow back where he got it from..)

They said the 3rd day would be the worst.. Today's the 3rd day and I've been able to manage the pain so far.. (!!!): It's SO swollen!!

(1) Have YOU ever had mouth surgery.?.?
(0) Did the pain medicine kill ALL of your pain.?

_Almost every meal I've had since then has been applesauce..
_I put peanut butter on one slice of bread and jam on another and ate the pieces separately..
_My dad made burritos yesterday
_I can have soup BUT we don't really have any lol:(
_I had scrambled eggs w/ applesauce

(2) Can you think of anything I could make that's totally soft.?.? (because this is going to last 3 weeks!! -more or less)Health Question & Answer

Ive had all of my wisdom teeth removed.. They gave me vicodin and ibuprofen for the pain and it worked pretty well.. I ate mashed potatoes, yogurt, milkshakes, oatmeal and things like that for about 4 days.. Health Question & Answer

i had mouth surgery.. i had to get a part of the roof of my mouth and put on lower gum for braces.. it was lot of pain and couldnt talk! i am good with pain so didnt use much medicine..

for food.? definity a smoothie.. a blender with ice and fruit and yogurt is good..
Health Question & Answer

yes i have had mouth surgery, the medicine they used made all of the pain go away, and you could eat mashed potato and steamed foodsHealth Question & Answer

omg dont you care about people's tummys.?
please be more considerate because some people's tummys hurt while reading your detailsHealth Question & Answer

Hot bread (like rolls), I mean not toasted, but microwaved..Health Question & Answer

I had oral surgery about a year ago after I had complications from having a wisdom tooth pulled and part of my jawbone broke.. I kept going back to that same dentist because he said I "just" had a dry socket and he kept packing it.. Meanwhile it was getting worse, then I went to an oral surgeon who said the jawbone was cracked and would have to be removed, which he did.. After that surgery, oh geez......that pain was horrible.. I felt like I had been hit in the head by a truck.. I took Vicodin for awhile which sort of helped.. They told me to keep taking ibuprofen with that (800mg twice daily) which helped with the swelling.. It basically just took time to get better..

I thought scrambled eggs were easier to eat.. It seemed mashed potatoes sort of would stick to the inside of my mouth, so I was cautious about that.. You should try drinking Ensure or even SlimFast drinks because they are a meal replacement and have the vitamins.. Just don't use a straw.. That's very important, because the sucking action can loosen the blood clots that need to form in the operative area.. So just sip on those drinks..

I'm sorry you're having to go through this.. Good luck!Health Question & Answer

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