Braces help im really nervous!!!!

Question: Braces help im really nervous!!!
ok, im getting braces next week and im really nervous..
do they hurt when they put them on,
how long does it take,
what do they do,
obtw im gettin gtrain tracks - top and bottem

please can you answer my questions - im sooo nervous and i really dont want them but i do at the same time , can u really notice them, do they make ur mouth look funni.?.?.?Health Question & Answer

i'm gettin mine this week........i asked a quetion about dat too!
so i've got sum anwsers for u......

don't be nervous,it'll only hurt for a few days cuz the braces will be tightened up hard but yull get used to it....nd it'll only take bout an hour
but its really fun to gettem on!u get to pick wat color u want!
and it straightens ur teeth
nd no it'll not luk funni......if u hav color put on then it'll luk cute

its no big deal

Health Question & Answer

You're not alone as everybody feels nervous when they have the fixed braces fitted in.. Sometimes we have to the do things that we don't want to just to get anywhere.. Fixed braces are noticable but they won't make the mouth look funny..

The orthodontist begins by placing bands on the molars (back teeth).. They then place brackets on each tooth.. Afterwards a thin archwire is fitted in and is connected to the bands and the brackets..

You won't feel any pain when the fixed braces are fitted in.. However, you may feel some discomfort.. It takes up to one hour to have the fixed braces fitted in..

You'll notice after the fixed braces are fitted in that the teeth feels tender and sensitive.. also it feels sore with pain.. This is a good indication that the fixed braces are doing it's job and that the teeth are beginning to move..

I had fixed braces and I was very nervous but happy at the same time when I had them fitted in.. I'm now on retainers as I've already had my fixed braces removed..

I hope everything works out for you.. Take care always..Health Question & Answer

wow you've got a lot of answers and they all probably say the same things!
All i have to add is that i need to get train tracks top and bottom too-- i am really nervous but just try to think of what the result will be because they may not look funny but it may take a while for people to realise-- also because its the holidays people will Look at u differently but afterwards you'll be fine! i have 4 sisters and they all had them , now their teeth look really great!
just don't get bright colours try to get the paler colours because the brighter they are the more people will realise!
Good luck and i hope your teeth look good at the end!


Health Question & Answer

Putting braces on doesn't hurt it just feels a little strange.. Your mouth will be a little sore and feel strange after wards however this soon goes away.. You might get a few ulcers as well from your brace rubbing but if you do use anbesol you can get it from chemists.. It's really good, what I use and I have had braces 22 months.. In fact i'm getting mine off on the 26th September! You do notice them but it's fine loads of people have braces these days and you can choose which colour you have so it's fine.. They don't make your mouth look funny, it will look no different.. You will have your braces on depending on how bad your teeth are but the average time is 12-18 months and believe me this soon goes.. It flys by.. Try not to worry you will be fine, I assure you of that.. If you want any other reassurance or have any other questions on the matter you can email or instant message me at I will be happy to speak there.. I would say good luck but I won't cos u don't need it! Hope I helped.. Health Question & Answer

I've got a brace but i've only got the top ones.. .. ..
took 20mins and it didn't hurt at all, didn't see why i was nervous to start of with lol

you can notice them .. .. .. but it also depends on what colour you get :)
they don't make your mouth look funny.. .. .. well thts my opinion lol

just make sure you clean your braces like atleast twice a day and dont eat anything hard lol

Hope this helps and dont worry! xHealth Question & Answer

Dont be nervous about braces, they wont really hurt when you get them done, your teeth will just feel a bit uncomfortable.. After a couple of days the discomfort should go.. It takes about 2 hours to get them done (my sister had braces on the top and the bottom too) and they look really cute..
You'll have perfect teeth at the end so dont worry..
=]Health Question & Answer

calm down (: its not that bad lol no it doesnt hurt when they put them on it does take a while to put them all on but not like 3 hours its less..
no they dont make your mouth look funny alot of people think that but no not really and i guesss not alot people really pay attention when someone else has braces becuase no a days alot of people have them lol so its not anything that new.. so just dont worry (: im sure everything is going to be fine! (: im getting my braces off in 2 weeksHealth Question & Answer

they take about 2 hours to get put on a sting really bad for like 2 days then the stinging goes away and you feel normal and for as long as they have to stay on idk i mean it depends on how messed up your teeth are the min time is prob like 2 years the most 8 good luck oh and you can't have popcorn because it will get stuck in between your teeth no gum it will stick to your teeth maby sugar free gum i don't know..

god bless youHealth Question & Answer

Relax.... it's not that bad it may be uncomfortable for a little while, but you shouldn't feel pain..

it takes between 30-60 minutes (depending on your orthodontist).. They clean your teeth, then glue the little metal pieces on......then thread a wire through them and kinda tie them of at the back teeth (this bit is kinda scratchy).. Then every 6 weeks they tighten them.. You feel werid after but honestly its fine.. Think about the long term - nice straight teeth! Health Question & Answer

it dosent hurt when they get put on but a couple of hours later they start to ache and put pressure on your teeth it only takes about 20-25 minutes and they are awesome i know because ive got them
Health Question & Answer

they don't hurt really..........after the first day the might be sore.. So, don't worry it just all depends..Health Question & Answer

whats to hurt .? they glue metal bits to your teeth ..........................Health Question & Answer

hey don't worry i had all these questions when i first got braces......that was about a year ago & i only have a year left with them on! =] don't be nervous.. the process takes three days.. on the first day they take some pictures of your mouth & x-rays & stuff.. that part was pain.. it doesn't hurt when they put them on, so don't worry about that sweetie.. the day you get them on, they'll clean your teeth really takes a while because they want to make sure nothing's there when they put on the brackets so they clean it a couple of times with different gels, haha.. so when they put it on they put these plastic things in your mouth to keep it open.. you might feel the stretch [i did :D] & you have to keep your mouth open like that for awhile.. lost track of time because i was concentrating on getting bad taste out of my mouth cos the plastic things taste weird & it makes your mouth dry cos your mouth is open for so long, haha.. but don't worry, you can still breathe & it's not bad at all.. so anyway, they put a little bit of gum on your tooth [not chewing gum, but some sticking gum] & just stick the bracket on.. for the first few weeks they'll give you a soft wire which won't hurt your teeth as much.. then they give you's like wax of a candle, haha & you just put in on your teeth wherever it hurts & the pain stops.. except i doesn't really work but it helps.. i think they ask you to come back the next week to check on it & then every five weeks or so you go back to get new wires [wires are the things that connect the brackets & that's what's called getting your braces tightened.. on the first few days of getting braces it hurts, but it depends on your pain tolerance.. but even if your tolerance is low it shouldn't hurt thaaaaat bad..i don't remember crying or anything.. they told me to take painkillers if i needed to =] after a while they give you a hard wire which hurts a little more.. & it hurts alot when you get it tightened.. not during the process but after you go home you can feel it & for the first day if you bite stuff it hurts really bad, haha.. usually i just eat pudding for a week cos that's how long my teeth hurt.. i mean it doesn't really hurt after the second day but i like pudding, haha.. but after a couple times of tightening you get used to the pain & it doesn't hurt as much anymore.. as for what it looks like......if you think it looks cool or bad, so what.? it's for your own good, haha.. & almost everyone gets braces these days & if someone calls you brace face or anything just ignore it.. i know, it gets on your nerves, but yeah.. no one's called me the first few days you can really notice it & when you eat it feels like you want to pull of the braces because it feels so weird to have food stuck in them.. they'll show you how to clean them & stuff so you should clean them & that feeling will be gone.. & it makes some people's mouth look funny but for others......not so much, haha.. people say i look good in braces.. it just depends but if anyone says anything, don't mind them.. you'll learn about these things as the process goes but just keep thinking of the beautiful new smile you'll have at the end! Health Question & Answer

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