they put something to keep your mouth open so your teeth are dry and they basically glue on the brackets and use a light to dry the glue.. they fit you for the metal bands that go on your molars and put them in.. then go on to the wire, they put it in each bracket and bend it as needed then cut the ends sticking out from metal bands on your molars.. then you can choose the color of your ligatures they are like little tiny rubber bands in different colors that hold the wire in place on each bracket.. the colors you can choose from can be different at each orthodontist but there usually is a big variety of colors to choose from.. the procedure of getting the braces isnt really painful, its a bit uncomfortable because you have to keep your mouth open that hole time and your mouth and lips get very dry.. there will be some pain after you get them on which might not kick in right away.. but its all worth it for a beautiful end result.. A BEAUTIFUL SMILE!!! depending on your case they may give you some pain killers enough for a couple of days.. they should give you a little goody bag when you leave that day.. it usually consist of orthodontic wax to place over brackets if it is irritating your lips, floss, floss theaders ( helps you get floss under the wire so you can floss regularly) , toothbrush and maybe a couple other things but again depends on the orthodontist.. good luck with your braces!Health Question & Answer

First they put spacers between your back teeth for the metal brackets that go on your back teeth.. About two weeks later they put the brackets on with the wire.. You'll get little ulcers on the inside of your mouth so keep the wax handy to minimize this.. Your mouth will be sore in areas that need the most work.. Take some ibuprofen before you go to get the braces put on.. You'll be a little uncomfortable sometimes when they are tightened but nothing that'll really bother you..

Yes, you can get any colour the dentist has..Health Question & Answer

Hey its not that bad.. It doesn't hurt when they are putting them on but it feels a bit weird afterwards!

It depends what type of braces you have to whether you can have colours.... most types let you have colours but the colours are little elastic bands around the little metal bits on your teeth and apparently they are the bits that tighten the braces.. I don't have colours because my braces aren't tightening my teeth they are making a gap so......

They put them on by using this glue thing that they put on your teeth and then glue the little metal bits on.. To open your mouth wide they put this plastic thing in that keeps your mouth open and they also put in a little suction in your mouth to get rid of the saliva.. When all the little metal things are on they thread a wire through..

They give you advice on how to look after them and you can buy special toothbrush's, mouthwash and silicone things that go on your braces to stop them rubbing when you get ulcers.. I have braces and am having an operation on my mouth on the 22nd of September (don't worry only people with this weird thing need an op) so if you need any help just email me over yahoo ok.. Health Question & Answer

Hey no fear i used to have braces! If you are getting train tracks then they stick little pads onto your teeth and then put a wire through the whole row of teeth.. The procedure is not sore its just wierd! Getting used to them can be a bit sore as you might get some ulcers but it is not too bad just dont eat anything chewy at first.. You are not supposed to chew gum with braces but that never stopped me! It depends what dentist/orthodontist you have but sometimes you are allowed to choose your colour.. All my friends got to choose and you can change the colours each time you go back - I never got colours though! The colour choices are normally endless! You can even get see-through onse sometimes which are less noticable.. Everyone has them now so it's okay though.. You get wax strips from most dentists to look after your mouth with incase anything rubs you stick it on your brace and it stops the rubbing but I never really bothered with them.. Don't worry too much loads of people have braces! I used to have a big gap in my teeth and now it's gone! I love smiling now!

It's all worth it so don't worry and good luck !!! If you need any other answers feel free to e-mail me! I hope I helped and gave you the info.. you needed!
xoxoxoxxoHealth Question & Answer

Well they glue the brackets on and then put the wire through them It doesn't hurt when they first put them on but a couple hours later it hurts like crap.. Make sure to take an advil before you go..And yeah they should give you a little baggie full of self care things.. And sometimes they let you pick the color, like my braces were too tight or something like that so I didn't get any colors the first time, but usually most people get to get colors..Health Question & Answer

They don't hurt at all initially, but as your teeth start moving they will.. They give you a special brush to brush between the braces, and a special little thing that lets you floss too.. Colours really depend on the dentist.. Sometimes you can put coloured rubber bands, but avoid colours like white, green, black, as they make it look like you got stuff stuck inbetween your teeth.. Go with ones like blue, red and pink.. Good luck, and hopefully in a few years you will have straight beautiful teeth!Health Question & Answer

Having them put on doesn't really hurt, it's just tedious and boring.. Each bracket has to be glued onto each tooth just right, so you're mostly just sitting there forever.. Once the brackets are put on and they set the glue with this little UV light, then they put the wire in, then the rubber bands on over that.. You can't choose the color of the braces themselves unfortunately (if I had my way I'd pick clear lol) but you can pick any color rubber bands you want.. They have about 15 colors I believe.. Lots of neons and some bold colors (puple, pink, green, blue etc..), even silver and gold.. If you are going for making your braces less noticeable I suggest going with glow in the dark.. It sounds weird but in regular light they are tooth colored and disguise the braces pretty well.. Plus they don't stain easily.. They should also give you a little kit with everything you will need, believe me most of it will come in handy.. Make SURE you let them know if your wire is poking you in the very back so they can trim it down while you're still there cuz honestly the wax they give you doesn't work.. And you don't wanna be calling in for after hour emergency visits..
About a half hour after they put them on is when your teeth will start to ache.. Make sure you eat well BEFORE you have them put on cuz you won't be able to chew for a while.. But it's not as bad as some make it out to be.. Take a 2-3 extra strength tylenols and it usually helps.. And I've found that chewing with your very back teeth isn't nearly as painful as the front ones.. The initial pain is at it's worst for the first couple days after every tightening and gets less and less after that.. I still have mine on and have a long way to go so from a fellow brace-face, good luck! Wow this was a long one......sorry :-)Health Question & Answer

Okay, first off, your capitalization is really bothering me..
Second, it depends on what orthodontist if they let you choose the color.. Normally, they do, but at some different places, they don't.. They hurt like hell the first couple days, but trust me, it gets wayyyyyy better.. I cried the first time I got braces on, it hurt so bad, but it gets better..
I hope that helped..Health Question & Answer

when they put them on it doesnt hurt at all
you cant even feel it they just take the metal brace and pretty much put glue on it and place it on your tooth and put a light next to it

and yes you can pick from alot of colors depending on where you go
but be careful i got black and orange once for halloween.. sounds like a good idea but you dont get the color changed for 2 months it was sooo embarsing!! now i just do black cause it just blends with the metal i did clear but i like kechup and it stained it red and looked like i was bleeding.. dont get neon colors ether you can see them across the room..
i hope that helped :)Health Question & Answer

it takes a long time to put them on
and when they do it your mouth is wicked dry and there is a glue that tastes disgusting......but try not to think about it.. they give you special dental floss and toothbrush.. You want to brush alot because for some reason your teeth look more yellow with braces (i have seen through friends) and sometimes you get to choose the color depending on what is wrong with your teeth.. Sometimes you only get silver at first (i did) but then you can probably pick your color later onHealth Question & Answer

okay.. you have a choice of purples.. red , pink, there is a whole range of colours..sometimes if you ask nicely you can get more than one colour.. The coloured part is the wee rubber band they put on the hold the bracket together.. they put a special glue on you teeth and brackets are stuck one.. that process does not hurt.. you can ask for a special thin tip brush for in between the brackets as it is then esier to clean.. it help me as i had braces.. honestly the only pain you will feel is tightness for a few days while you teeth adjust.. you will also get a gel type stuff in a wee box.. i think u get to choose the colour of that to if you want.. hope that helps.. lol.. :).. u will be fine..Health Question & Answer

i had them and i hate to say but they do hurt.. not when they put them on.. first they glue the brackets to your teeth then i think they add the wires......{it's been awhile}.. i think they let you choose colors now yes.. but you will be very sore after.. you will not be able to eat much.. because they make the wires really tight the first time.. so for they first 2 or 3 days you can have like, soup,liquid stuff.. but good news is you can have lots of ice cream..
after the first few days you will begin to get used to them.. the next time they are tightend will be 80 percent less sore than the first.. it's not gonna kill you, just discomfort not pain.. and then you will have straight teeth..
i did not want them....but now as an adult i am the only one of my friends who has str8 teeth! stay strong!Health Question & Answer

Hey there, i put braces 3 years ago, so i know what the procedure is..
1.. The dentist usually puts something like a specialized glue on the needed teeth, then put some small, tiny metal thingy on it, so it sticks.. He then puts a wire to connect these metals togetherer..
2.. No, it doesnt hurt at all.. But only when the braces begin working, teeth start to ache just a bit; but thats the whole point, isnt it.?
3.. You can choose whatever color u want, the dentist gives u lots of choices and u may change the colors everytime u go to the dentist..
4..Yes, they give u a retainer for ur upper teeth and they put a small cool silk just behind ur lower teeth.. You can choose the type of the upper-teeth-retainers : either clear plastic or a silk metal.. The clear one ( that is the one i use now) is the better one cuz it works better and faster..
5.. If you ask me, i personally chose either violet or light blue; they match with everything u wear..

Good luck and dont worry <3
xXxHealth Question & Answer

chillax.. ive had braces for nearly a year and it never ever hurts even the slightest bit..
here is what they do step by step if it makes you feel any better.. they clean your teeth with ultraviolet light and polish them with a sander.. you don't even feel that part.. then they put little dabs of glue on each tooth and stick the brackets on.. then they thread the wire through the brackets, again you dont even feel it.. then to dry it they dump some juice in your mouth and suck it out with the sucky machine.. the liquid tastes lemony so you rinse out your mouth afterwards.. then they tighten the wire .. for the next three days you may have to eat soft foods because your mouth may feel a little tight and achy, but after the first week, the braces just feel like a normal part of your mouth.. they putt little rubber bands on each bracket of your braces and you can choose the color (they have every color you can imagine or just plain silver) the rubber bands make the brackets look colorful.. each month afterwards you can opt to change the color of your braces and your orthodontist will tighten the wire.. it may feel tight for the first few hours after the tightening, but no pain at all.. i actually think it feels good to have a tight mouth.. they give you special mouthwash and a special toothbrush for your braces, and , if there are any extra sharp wires in your mouth, they'll give you non toxic wax to stick on there so it doesnt cut your mouth.. it sounds like a big deal but its really not.. smile big<3Health Question & Answer

Dont worry it doesnt hurt yes u might get to choose the colour depends the dentist you get, but its not pain ful and scary at all..It's just like the first time your mom or dad took you to the nurse or doctor or even the dentist you might have been scrared but afterwards it went well and youmight have asked yourself what was l worried about..Anyways good luck and hope it all goes well.. Health Question & Answer

Dont hurt at all
Youc an choose colors - theres loadddds:
green - about amillion different ones
blue - same^

they glue on the bands - coloured parts which are metal underneath then they bend the wire to put it on

you get some gel to rub on your gums/braces as they hurt a tiny bit a few hours later - just take some ibprufen

you'll be fine its pretty quick and barecs look kinda cool

I've had mine taken off now and it isnt half weird
Health Question & Answer

they first place what they call {rings} around your molars

then they glue little metal parts to hold the wire that straightens your teeth

after that they done that they use small rubber bands {you get to choose the color} to reinforce the wire

the gluing part may take hours !!
and they give you special toothbrushes to clean your teeth

and they just hurt a littleHealth Question & Answer

you can get any color from gray like the braces to neon green.. id suggest a light color but not too light because if you get like yellow or white they make your teeth look nasty.. black is rough but they do make your teeth look very white ..THEY DO NOT HURT to put on.. they only hurt after you get them because there pulling your teeth.. the only thing that hurts when they put them on is that they put these things in your mouth to keep your lips from touching your teeth and they stretch your lips and make your mouth really dry.. it has to be dry tho or else the glue wouldnt dry.. they dab a little glue on each tooth and put on a bracket then they connect all the brackets with a wire.. hope i helped Health Question & Answer

lol i was scared too when i got braces they dont hurt when your putting them on and they too explain how to take care of them and they give you stuff.. but for the first three days you cant chew cause your teeth hurt when you try to so you will have to eat soup, applesauce, and soft foods..

PS: Dont listen to the people who says it hurts when they are putting it on i swear it doesnt!!Health Question & Answer

The process of putting them on does not hurt.. They will ache a bit after you come home, since the braces are pulling your teeth into their proper places.. And yes, they will let you choose the color of the rubber bands to put around the braces.. The first colors I chose were red, white and blue (because I was getting them a few weeks before Fourth of July)..

Best of luck! Your teeth will look amazing when you're done!Health Question & Answer

relax relax:) braces really arent that bad..they just glue the brackets on and then put the wire on.. they dont hurt until like the second day and when you get them adjusted.. you can choose the color.. they have tons (or at least my ortho does) they have shades of puple, blue, green, turquize, teal, white, yellow, black, basically any color that u can think of.. you do get like this hole packet of utensils and how to take car of them too..

good luck with them!Health Question & Answer

Well I'm not sure how they put them on.. But they don't hurt because they use laughing gas(laughing gas does not make u laugh).. And they do let u pick the color after all ur going to be wearing the braces.. Right.? yes they do give u a pack of things to help u look after them like a special toothbrush and probably a book about what u can and can't eat now because some foods get stuck in ur braces.. And u can get an assortment of colors like red, black, silver, pink, purple, etc.. hope I could help.. Health Question & Answer

i got mine when i was 10
im now 13
and the only thing that hurts is that they put a weird tube that blows out all this air in your mouth and makes it really dry
that was kinda irritating
oh and they do make you choose the colour
it also hurts when they take them out
with me anyway they gut pliers and ripped them out..
Health Question & Answer

Unfortunately it can hurt quite a lot.. they glue the metal to your teeth then thread through wires to pull it the shape they want your teeth to be.. I could not chew for a week after I got them and I had to liquidise all my food like a baby.. I dont know about the colours.. Mine were just regular metal (silver) ones..Health Question & Answer

im just after getting my braces off so i no how u feel hun.. they stick them on with glue and try not to taste it, it doesnt taste nice! it does hurt after a while after u get them on but not when he puts them on.. i couldnt eat for that day so dont go in hungry! it doesnt hurt when u go back in for a adjustment it just feels tighter.. ya they come in all different colours, blue, green, pink, red, clear anyting.. u get this brush to clean between the wires with.. dont be worried u will get them off b4 u no it.. i didnt mind havin braces at all..
hope i helped!!!
xxxxHealth Question & Answer

Any colors.. And they'll hurt for the first week or two.. but they wont hurt AS much as the first 2 days, but sometimes it depends on your teeth.. and they just clean your teeth, then put glue and place the bracket thing on then add the wire.. so it doesnt hurt until about an hour l8r.. hope this helps! (i have blue and green braces! it matches my room! lol..)Health Question & Answer

sometimes the coloured ones can make ur teeth look dirty from a distance my sis had braces and dat was her opinion good look and they do hurt for the for like the first 3 or 4 days until your mouth adjusts to them your teeth are bein stretched bare that in mind !! just focus on the end result Health Question & Answer

it does hurt!
sorry to say it but it does
when u have been back after about 3-4 times to get them tightened they hurt then but after that they dont really hurt
well they didnt hurt me
they arent to bad i had mine off about 2-3 years ago now
(btw im 16 so im not stupid adult tell u it wont hurt like loads told me!)Health Question & Answer

Nope it's not painful.. Maybe when the put the spacers in-that was the worst part for me.. But everything else is a breeze; just boring lol.. takes a little while.. and yes you can choose the colors..Health Question & Answer

It depends on how bad your teeth are, but it is very possible for them to hurt, and yes you get to choose the color inless you have a really really cheap orthadonist(My teeth didn't hurt)Health Question & Answer

nooo it doesnt hurt, they just glue little metal things on your teeth and wrap a wire around it, & my orthodontist let me pick colors =] i did the rainboow!Health Question & Answer

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