I have a minor cavity and...?!

Question: I have a minor cavity and.......?
I went to the dentist today and found out I have my first cavity.. It's on one of the molars on the top left..

I'm 19 years old, so I really shouldn't be afraid of getting it filled, but I am.. It didn't show up on the X-ray, so it's not really deep or anything.. A piece of sealant chipped off of my tooth when they were pushing on it, and the cavity was underneath.. I'm afraid to get the rest of my sealants taken off now because I don't want to know what's under them..

Can anyone help ease my mind before tomorrow's appointment.? The dentist said I probably wouldn't need anasthetic, but I'm really nervous, even though it's tiny.. How long does your tooth hurt after having a cavity filled.? Health Question & Answer

Dentistry today is much, much better than when I was a kid and the waiting room seemed like the ante-room to hell.. (The dentist was old and grouchy, too..) Not to worry! Things are quite different now, and I don't mind a trip to the dentist at all.. In fact, I dislike having hour-long dental cleanings every so many months much more than having a cavity filled..

In my experience, a tooth doesn't hurt at all once it is filled.. The drilling necessary to take out any decayed matter can hurt some, but most dentists now give you an injection that completely prevents that pain.. They also use very fine needles for it, so there is just a prick of pain as the needle goes in..

If I have a small cavity that needs minimal drilling, sometimes I go without the anesthesia simply because that can last several hours after you leave the dentist leaving your face numb and maybe your mouth unable to smile right, and it tingles a bit as it wears off..

Don't be afraid of finding new cavities.. It's unpleasant, but they are always best taken care of as soon as possible so they don't get bigger..Health Question & Answer

i take my fillings with no novocaine,because you have not ever had the opportunity to get your pearls filled,i suggest novocaine and i promise you that you will not feel a thing!!!!!Health Question & Answer

you wont feel a thing.. i work in a dental office and we do small fillings like that without anesthetic on two and three year olds.. you can so do it.. just breathHealth Question & Answer

If the cavity is on the chewing part of your tooth, it will usually not show on an x-ray unless it is really deep.. Small cavities should not hurt when present and your dentist may very well be able to take care of it without any anesthetic.. If the cavity is on the upper in the back and you do have apprehension about feeling anything, the type of injection you would need is one of the least painful.. I have had many patients tell me they didn't feel a thing-REALLY!!!

Don't be afraid of having your other sealants removed, if your dentist thinks it is necessary.. Think of it as being proactive and preventing a more serious problem.. He/she can always do a procedure called enamelplasty in the grooves where the sealants are and then reseal them if nothing is found.. I'm sure you would rather have something small taken care of than ignore it and have a more serious problem later..Health Question & Answer

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