What percentage of people have there wisdom teeth removed?!

Question: What percentage of people have there wisdom teeth removed.?
I am really looking for figures in the UK but the US or else were will also suffice.. I would prefer answers from dentists themselves if possible to be more sure of the statistics veracity.. I have heard that a lot of extractions of wisdom teeth are unnecessaryy and there removal has become something more of a of a formality than something done for good medical reasons so dentists could perhaps give me there opinion on this as well..Health Question & Answer

I am not a dentist but I will give you my opinion that it is a formality and not a necessity.. My dad was told when he was 17 that the wisdom teeth needed to go.. He is now 50 and still has them, they don't bother him in the least bit.. Me on the other hand, mine hurt all them time because my mouth is almost too small for all my teeth and the pressure started to affect my eating.. If you don't feel pain then don't have them pulled.. Like they say, "Don't fix what ain't broke" (excuse the redneck-ness of the quote)Health Question & Answer

i never had any wisdom teeth, never grew in or anything, so i dont have to get them removed..Health Question & Answer

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