All four of my wisdom teeth are coming out tomorrow... What are the worst after effects??!

Question: All four of my wisdom teeth are coming out tomorrow...... What are the worst after effects.?.?
The amount of blood the first day was pretty gross..
Then the bruising and swelling starts and you can only open your mouth about an inch which means you can really eat and it hurts like hell to yawn or cough..
Take the meds that the surgeon prescribes and you'll be better in like 5 days to a week.. Health Question & Answer

My daughter had her two bottom wisdom teeth removed on the first of August.. They were badly impacted and one was lying completely sideways.. Her upper wisdom teeth were left alone because the pulling of two other teeth as a part of her orthodontic treatment made room for them so they were fine.. She chose to stay awake for the procedure and was given novocaine and laughing gas to dull the pain.. Afterwards, she got a stitch on each side and was prescribed four different medications.. I know one was for pain and and another was for fighting infection but I'm not sure what the others were for.. She was also told to spray a saline solution on the gums using a syringe.. She was pretty much laid up for the first day and that's when she had the most pain.. The next day, she was up and about.. Her worse effects were not being able to fully open her mouth and swelling in her face, especially on the side where the sideways tooth was located.. For the first few days, she had to eat soup, apple sauce, pudding, and anything else that didn't require chewing.. She can pretty much eat normally now.. The stitches she got are self-dissolving so she doesn't have to go back and get them removed..Health Question & Answer

The worst thing that can happen is that you would get a raging infection from the open sores, get septicemia, and then die..

But that is unlikely if you follow your oral surgeon's advice.. He will pack with sterile gauze the spaces where your teeth were.. He may also give you an antibiotic to take for a week or so until the wounds heal..

The most likely "worst" aftereffect you will experience is a heavy ache and pain in your gums for up to a week, plus being unable to eat most hard, solid foods during that same time..Health Question & Answer

Everyone is different.. I had my 4 wisdom teeth pulled (plus a baby tooth) and I took Advil only one time.. My sister just had 2 of her wisdom teeth taken out and she's having a little pain..

Just remember not to suck on anything (straws, cigarettes, etc).. If you do you'll get dry sockets......and then you will be in a lot of pain (from what I hear)..

Eat soft foods for the first few days (mashed potatoes, rice, pudding, etc)
Health Question & Answer

It won't hurt that bad right after you come home but it will hurt later on..Just make sure you take the pain meds when your suppose to and keep ice on it..The worst part is the swelling you will look like a chipmonk for a while and it will be pretty bruised after wards..But look it up on the videos are pretty funny!!! good luck!Health Question & Answer

Do what the doctor says to avoid dry socket.. Keep ice on it and tell somebody to feed you ice cream when u come out of your stupor from anesthestia.. But do what u can after to keep ice on both your cheecks.. U will be fine :)Health Question & Answer

my son had them pulled out ....the worst part was swelling but only on one side but he did complain about pain mostly in his jaw and gums for a few days but he took pain killers the dentist had prescribed and that was it ..Health Question & Answer

Wow! my sister just got them out! well, it'll hurt to open your mouth, and they'll have to stitch your mouth ( the wisdom tooth holes only!!!) and on your first day It will be VERY bloody!Health Question & Answer

Hey, I'm having 4 (all) of my wisdom teeth taken out tomorrow also.. Wish you good luck!Health Question & Answer

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