Why aren't you allowed to eat past midnight when getting wisdom teeth cut out?!

Question: Why aren't you allowed to eat past midnight when getting wisdom teeth cut out.?
It's torture

How long after I get them out,will I be able to eat normal foods again.?

Any other info would be great...... thanks =)Health Question & Answer

You may consider it torture but its for your own safety..

You need an empty stomach before an anesthetic.. This includes no gum chewing or candies..

As for eating afterwards, most people prefer liquids the first day.... then start on soft foods because their mouth is sore.. You can take eating as it goes afterwards..Health Question & Answer

I know it is torture, I had my appointment at 11:50 in the morning so I couldn't eat breakfast and had nothing since 10pm the night before.. They want your stomach to be empty because the anesthesia could cause you to throw up.. It does depend on the person as to when you are able to eat normal foods again (comfortably).. I completely disagree with the person that said its been 6 days and she hasn't eaten anything but jelly and ice blocks.. The first night I ate macaroni and cheese but I had to mash it up super small so I didn't have to chew it.. It's been close to seven days since I had the surgery and I was eating fig newtons about 4 days after, yesterday I was able to chew a soft taco, and today I had spaghetti and meatballs with little to no problem.. The only thing you need to make sure of is that you don't get any food stuck around where your teeth come out.. After I eat (every time now) I rinse with cool water or warm saltwater.. I gave you toooons of other info when I answered your other question.. Good luck!Health Question & Answer

To be honest with you, I am not sure exactly why you can't eat before surgery, but it has something to do with the anesthetic you will have.. Must affect it some way or another..

I got mine out 6 days ago & I have not had solid foods yet, lost about 5 kilos too..
I am going to maybe try eat some real food tonight....

I think it is different for every single person, so whatever someone tells you don't stick to that as a guideline.. You need to do whatever you feel comfortable with..

When I came out of surgery, it was hell.. I couldn't talk and I kept drooling when I tried to drink lemonade..
That night, I was told I had to get SOMETHING in my stomach, so I ate an ice block..
Over the next two days my face got more and more swollen.. I basically lived off jelly & ice blocks.. My boyfriend had bought me ice cream, but I found that this produced lots of mucus, and it was hard for me to swallow, which just made things more uncomfortable..

The first 24 hours, put ice on your face to help stop the swelling, but after that you need to use heat if anything.. I just use a heat pack, put it on for a little while; take it off.. It seemed to help me, and also just made my face feel better..

Lately I have just been eating yoghurt & even was able to have some mashed potato..

Good luck with everything, just rest up afterwards & before you know it you will be all better!Health Question & Answer

I was told just six hours previous to surgery.. I just slept until I had to go.. It wasn't too bad..

However following the surgery I didn't eat for two days.. I had a protein shake the second day, but other than that nothing substantial, just water.. All I did was rinse my mouth and sleep.. I lost about 7 pounds in 2-3 days.. But I guess I am a freak of nature, I was eating solid foods the 3rd day, which was yesterday.. And my follow-up appointment was today and everything looked good..Health Question & Answer

My daughter was told not to eat after about 9 PM before her surgery.. That was because it was scheduled at seven the next morning.. However, she chose to stay awake during her procedure because she was more afraid of the effects of anasthesia than she was of the pain..Health Question & Answer

if you eat prior to the operation and it hasn't fully digested yet, you could puke it all out because of the anesthetic.. and chewing gum makes you feel hungry, if you're on an empty stomach..Health Question & Answer

because you get anesthetics and you'll puke and could potentially die..Health Question & Answer

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