Can you choose your orthodontic brackets?!

Question: Can you choose your orthodontic brackets.?
I've been wondering for a while, if it was possible to choose the orthodontic brackets you want.? No i am not asking if you can choose the orthodontic BRACES you want, because i already know that you can (theres ceramic, metal/titanium, invisalign)..

I'm planning on getting the metal/titanium braces, so could i just ask my orthodontist to give me the brackets i want.?Health Question & Answer

Not sure I know exactly what you mean, but I'll tell you what I know.. Your braces consist of brackets cemented on each tooth, bands in the back to anchor the wire, and the wire.. Usually the wire and the bands on your back teeth are silver.. You can, however choose whether or not you want clear, white, or silver brackets.. There are little colored rubber bands that go around the brackets that get changed out every 4-6 weeks and you can pick those colors too.. (and there are a lot of colors of rubber bands).. I hope this helps and good luck with your braces! Just saw your added info! Most orthodontists use a specific system, so no probably not.. Everything they use is equipped for that specific type.. You could ask what they do use and hope it is what you want.. The wire is the part that is the most differential to me though.. I think the type of wire controls the speed of correction and the frequency of your visits..Health Question & Answer

Where I live you can get clear or silver brackets.. There's a lot of places around where you can pick coloured brackets but have to stick with them the whole time you have the braces..Health Question & Answer

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