My teeth are hurting reeaally bad..?!

Question: My teeth are hurting reeaally bad.....?
i have braces, and i just got a tighter wire on, everyimte i do.... my teeth hurt like crazy for a couple of days.... i was wondering if there is a way to make it not hurt as much, cuz im on the verge of crying.... =[ looking for a natural way, not any pills like advil and such....
thnx.... <3Health Question & Answer

I feel for you! Unfortunately there isn't a lot you can do other than advil or tylenol.. I work at a dental office and this is a common complaint when that wire is changed.. The reason is that the new wire is put in the brackets that are cemented on your teeth, and each new wire is moving your teeth more and more.. For the first couple of days (until your teeth are more in the position that the wire wants them to be) they are probably going to be really achy! I don't know if you recently got your braces on, or if you've had them for a while, but typically as you get closer and closer to a straight smile, the new wires don't hurt as much.. I know you are looking for a natural way, but I would really encourage the Tylenol or Advil.. Some people find relief in laying a cool, wet washcloth over their face.. If it is tear jerking pain each time, it may help to talk to your orthodontist about it.. They may be able to adjust how aggressive they are with your treatment.. (but you'd be in braces longer).. Wish I had better news.......... Health Question & Answer

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