Can I still wear my retainer?!

Question: Can I still wear my retainer.?
I was wondering if it would still be okay to wear my retainer.. I only wear one for my top jaw, and my teeth have moved sense I've gotten my braces off which was 2 years ago..

I never wore my retainer because I always thought it was a pain to have to take them off to eat and clean.. And knowing I could take them off instead of having them glued to my teeth, I just didn't want anything in my mouth..

But now I'm not happy with how my teeth have moved.. I have somewhat of buck teeth now.. The retainer still fits over my mouth and can move the teeth back to where they were but would that do any good without braces again.? If I wore it for a long time would they eventually stay in place.?

I have the clear retainer that slips over your teeth, not the one with the metal wire.. Any info please.?Health Question & Answer

if it still fits you can wear it and it'd be best to but if your teeth have got really bad like miley cyrus's then get braces again! my brother hasn't worn his retainer in a couple of years and when he started wearing it a lot his teeth moved back you just have to continuously wear it, espically to sleep! :) good luckkk!Health Question & Answer

If it still fits, you should wear it.. If nothing else, you should've been wearing it at night..
The retainer can make minor adjustments but not major ones like braces..
Ideally, retainers are worn for the rest of your life.. I wasn't told this and some of my teeth have shifted..Health Question & Answer

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