Pulling wisdom teeth?!

Question: Pulling wisdom teeth.?
i just found out from my ortodonist that i have to get my 4 wisdom teeth and an extra tooth i have on my lower jaw.. im terrified!!! does getting 4 wisdom teeth pulled hurt.?.?Health Question & Answer

Nope, not at all for me.. I had a great experience with my oral surgery.. I had four of my wisdom teeth extracted 3 weeks ago and this is what they do:

They will give you a gas mask for oxygen and they also say they will give you some laughing gas.. Most of the time, the laughing gas will make you feel a bit light-headed and relaxed so you won't even notice if they put the IV in you.. For me, the laughing gas had no effect on me so I was completely conscious for the IV.. The surgeon put a rubber band around my arm so they could see the veins more clearly and it was a tiny pinch and the IV was injected.. It feels just like a small shot.. You will fall asleep in literally less than half a minute so you won't even get much of a chance to see anything.. The actual operation takes about 5-6 minutes per tooth.. And after they are finished, it will usually take you about 10 minutes to wake up.. But the whole thing really only feels like a minute..

As long as you use general anesthesia, and take your painkillers on a tight schedule, and follow your doctor's instructions on post-operative care, you will be fine.. I never had any pain with the surgery, and no swelling.. So, don't worry about it.. Once you get into that chair and they put you on the IV, you won't even get a chance to think about it.. You will fall asleep and a minute later, you're done and out of there.. Really..

Good luck..
Health Question & Answer

Yes, it will hurt.. For me, the pain wasn't that bad, though.. The medicine they give you really does help, and you can request that they put you completely under for the surgery.. Just expect to be out of it for a week...... they told me recovery time was two days and I planned on going back to work in three, but my face was swollen to three times its normal size so I could not.. I also had bruising on my face.. It was not a pretty sight..

Getting your wisdom teeth removed is very important, though.. If you've had braces, your wisdom teeth growing in can completely undo all of the work they did.. There are a lot of complications with wisdom teeth and it is best to get them removed..Health Question & Answer

It's okay, don't freak out.. It's true that it's not a fun experience, but you'll survive.. I've had it done, and I'm the queen of being scared to death by doctors..

One small recommendation - ask to be put to sleep.. My dentist gave me the option of being sedated plus local anesthesia (aka you don't feel anything in your mouth) OR being knocked out, but for some reason he made me think sedation was safer..

If I could redo ONE thing that entire year that I had my teeth pulled (I was 24 or 25) this is it - I would ask to be put to sleep!! It's true that I didn't feel anything in my mouth and I was pretty out of it with the sedatives, but being awake during the procedure was pretty bad.. You can hear the instruments and feel major pressure (I thought they were going to break my jaw!).. PLEASE request to be knocked out..

also you'll need to plan ahead so someone can drive you to and from your visit.. Either way you go, you'll be too drugged or groggy to drive.. And get lots of straws to use at home!!Health Question & Answer

When I had mine pulled it didn't hurt at all.. The noise of them being pulled was a little gross, but no pain.. The pain killers will be strong afterwards too, although i suspect I didn't really need them..

Just make sure after you get them pulled to rinse your mouth out often to prevent anything from sitting in the empty sockets (food, sugar, etc).. If you smoke, try to cut back.. These can lead to what they call 'dry socket', which is a very painful condition, basically an infection..

Good luck!Health Question & Answer

no, he'll give you some novacaine to numb you up really well.. and you won't feel pain at all just some pressure from the process of pulling it out.. you should feel afterwards though when the anesthesia wears off but drink some kind of shake, it'll make you feel better.. Health Question & Answer

Yeah But youll be so out of it with the drugs they give you, it wont really matter.. For me , I was sore for a couple days afterwards but it felt a lot better than having my wisdom teeth poking through my gums! Good luck!Health Question & Answer

Of course it'll hurt.. The best way to do it is get all 4 taken out at once.. You'll look like a chipmunk afterward but they give you medicine to drug up on.. And it'll be hard to eat anything for about 4 days.. Good luckHealth Question & Answer

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