Who has or have had braces?!

Question: Who has or have had braces.?
i just put braces today,i turned 12 yesterday,i really hate these braces they r painful and they look ugly,i dont want ppl to think im ugly becoz of the braces,the orthodontist said i have to keep them on for 1 year and a half,is there a possibility that i will be able to take them off in 6 months or a year.?

any advice plz help

im 12 years old

best answer 10 points

THNX!!!Health Question & Answer

its highly rare to get your braces off in 6 months.. usually when people get them off that early it is because they have had them before and they just need to move a tooth around or maybe 2.. i would say 1 1/2 years is very practical and you should be VERY thankful he gave you such a short amount of time.. i had mine for 2 years and most people have them anywhere from 2-6 years.. It really just depends on how well you take care of your teeth and how fast your teeth move.. no one is going to think you are ugly, im sure all of your friends have braces too -- and if not, they will get them eventually.. your first day or 2 will be very painful.. take some tylenol and ice your face if you need to.. just calm down and relax.. your braces arent going anywhere..Health Question & Answer

you can probably keep your braces on for a little while and then switch to invisalign when your teeth are fixed up enough to get it.. then no one will really notice your braces.. plus i know a lot of people with braces and no one really thinks there ugly, plus your only going to have them for a year and a half and then you will have a million dollar smile.. Health Question & Answer

I've had mine for about a year and I tried for the past two check ups to get my ortho to take them off, trust me, they won't do it early.. And no one will think you're ugly but most likely they've had them too, or do have them.. I'm in high school and a ton of people have them, they know it's not permanent and won't judge you because of it.. Honestly I wish I had mine put on when I was your age because I had them put on when I was 15 and get them off right before my 17th birthday.. As for the pain use Anbesol (on your gums) and take Tylenol.. And when you have to have tightened take some Tylenol before you go to the orthodontist so it won't hurt as bad if at all.. =)Health Question & Answer

First of all,yes I have braces......still do about 2 years now =I
Hopefully i'm getting them off soon enough..
There nothing really bad.. They do hurt the first couple days only about 2 days of pain and you'll get use to them..
Yeah,most people think you may look ugly but I don't think it makes such a difference,plus when they take them off others will have to get use to it all over again..
And last you MAYBE can get them off in 6 months,but it all depends on how your teeth move..
yeahHealth Question & Answer

I'm getting braces in 6 days!!!! I'M NERVOUS~

well that didn't exactly answer da question but i thought i would jus say that~! LOLzy................ HAHA JK JK LOL OMG SHT!!!Health Question & Answer

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