I need help with getting 4 teeth pulled.. HELP!!?!

Question: I need help with getting 4 teeth pulled.... HELP!!.?
Ok, I am getting 4 teeth pulled in a little while so answer quickly please!

All of the 4 teeth that are getting pulled are loose, are they going to do the rubbing kind of novacaine or do they have to do the shot.?
Because the dentist said they might do the rub, but I don't know for sure..

Please answer quickly!
I am just afraid of the shot if they do it..Health Question & Answer

It depends on the dentist's and your choice.. If the doctor wants to give you the shot version of the Novocaine, just kindly explain to him you would be much more comfortable using the rub kind..

I've never heard of the rub kind, but I think pain wise, it might just be smart to just bite the bullet and get the shot.. The shot would probably last a lot longer.. Plus, the shot only hurts for a few seconds until it begins to kick in.. If the dentist is doing it right, he'd probably give you more than one to make your tooth extraction less painful..Health Question & Answer

It sounds like you are talking about baby teeth and if they are really that loose and you can practically twist them, save yourself a trip to the dentist and do it yourself.. A good way to do it is to loop a piece of floss around each tooth and pull the ends hard and fast.. The tooth will fly out of your mouth and you will barely feel it.. This only works if there are no roots still embedded in your jaw bone so make sure that is the case before you do.. By the way, if you do end up going to the dentist for this the shots are a piece of cake.. They hurt 100 times more in the arm or butt.. Health Question & Answer

Well, at my dentist when I had my teeth pulled or had fillings put in and such, he sometimes puts the rub kind on my gums where he will then after like 5 minutes put the shot(s).. So you could ask your dentist to do that or, you could just get the shot.. It doesn't hurt really at all.. It might pinch a bit but definitely no long lasting pain or anything.. And I agree with people below, the rub kind does wear off a lot quicker than the shot and believe me, pulling teeth, loose or not, with out novacane is definately a lot more painful than the shot..

Hope this helps!Health Question & Answer

4 teeth.?! They should put you to sleep for that.. I had one extraction done where I was not put out, only numbed, and it was an experience I will never go through again.. There is no way that you will be able to sit through all 4..

also, if your dentist is planning on pulling them while you're awake, I would cancel the appointment and find a new doctor.. That is not normal and would make me question his competence.. Health Question & Answer

dont worry iv taken 6 out on the same day and all they did want put me to sleep and i didn't feel a thing :)
dont pantic relax :DHealth Question & Answer

ask your dentist if you can be put to sleep.. tell the dentist how afraid you are and maybe .......... worked for me but then I had to have 23 taken out.. 45 minutesHealth Question & Answer

i really shouldnt tell u but they do the shot most of the time but i could be wong and u dont even know that they did itHealth Question & Answer

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