Please help me!!! I'm 33 and considering getting dentures, has anyone done that?!

Question: Please help me!!! I'm 33 and considering getting dentures, has anyone done that.?
My teeth are healthy......little bleeding but the main reason is they are crooked........the front two go in and the bottoms are crooked as well but they dont bother me as much as the top(i have always hated my teeth and can never afford braces).. Braces are so expensive and require a lot of time and I dont have the time to go back and forth to the dentist for any kind of braces.. And as for implants they are so expensive and I can afford that either.. Has anyone gotten dentures when they are so younge.? And does anyone know you have them.? Can they tell you have them and was it tramatic for you to have all your teeth removed.? Any info would be great guys........Please help..Health Question & Answer

I work in a dental office.. I am a hygienist..
Please reconsider getting dentures.. One, as you age the bone level will decrease and the dentures will continuely loosen and you will have to spend money on relines and adjustments.. Two, you will hate them!!
if your gums are pretty healthy, there is nothing like your natural teeth.. Your taste will be compromised with all the plastic in your mouth..
You may not realize but dentures are also a time commitment..
Braces would be the way to go, ask the orthodontist if they have friends or colleagues that they can refer you to when you move..
Please think this over, you will never get your teeth back..
Is there any way to do crowns or veneers to fix the crowding.? ask your dentist..
good luckHealth Question & Answer

This is INSANE, and any REPUTABLE dentist does NOT remove healthy teeth, and would never advise dentures over natural healthy teeth, even if they are crooked..........Health Question & Answer

you want to have all of your teeth pulled, and get dentures.? i'd go with the braces! yikes!!Health Question & Answer

Seriously, dentures should be considered if all other treatments are not workable.. I wear dentures and while they look good and function well, they are not my real teeth.. I have accepted that and I live my life pretty well.. Not everyone who gets dentures can make the same claims I made.. I got them at 35 after a pregnancy complication.. They may look nice but you do have to take them out of your mouth to clean them and most dentists suggest the patient sleep without them.. There can be social complications of being a young woman and wearing dentures..

Research carefully and get several opinions before doing anything.. Dentures may seem like a less expensive solution but over time they can cost just as much or even more than orthodontic treatment.. Dentures do need to be replaced every so often..

SandyHealth Question & Answer

Removing your healthy teeth (likely to be a traumatic route) and getting dentures is too gross a decision.. Adopt cosmetic dentistry procedures like putting veneers and crowns on all your teeth that are visible in your smile.. It may be a little expensive.. But you have to either invest in time (braces) or lots of money in veneers/crowns so that your teeth look straighter.. The latter method takes 10-14 days to complete with foundation of all your real teeth intact, though surface structure is compromised.. You can get it done least expensive way traveling to Thailand, Duabi, India, etc.. An interesting link" rel="nofollow"> may be of some help..Health Question & Answer

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