How to avoid gum discomfort????!

Question: How to avoid gum discomfort.?.?.?.?
Well i just got my braces on yesterday and im kinda worried about my gums.. My brother never takes care of his teeth so now his gum r rlly swolen and it looks lik it hurts.. It rlly kinda gross if u ask me.. Hes kinda a dillweed lik that somtiimes.. Anyways i dont want my poor mouth to suffer the same pain that he probably does now.. What are some good things to do while i have braces on.. I want a good heathy smile when i get these damn things off.. Anything helps!!!!!!!!!!! =) Health Question & Answer

Get an electric toothbrush, preferably a Sonicare Xtreme which is cheaper than the other Sonicare line toothbrushes b/c it is made for teens and braces.. Next, get a Waterpik.. They make great cordless ones now which will help a lot b/c the water tank is small enough you can put mouthwash in it and use it like that when your gums are swollen/irritated.. Use this once a day, never on high (medium is best), and don't point it down into gums b/c this can tear your gums you want to point it directly at the tooth at a 90 degree angle so the water flows accross the gumline and creates a vacuum.. You can put any mouthwash in it, but hydrogen peroxide works the best for inflamed gums but doesn't taste the best.. If you can't buy a waterpik, buy some of those pipe cleaner looking things they probably showed you called Proxybrushes or Interdental brushes.. They look like little bendable pipe cleaners and you run them under the wire around brackets to keep things clean.. Try to insert the brush so the tip points toward the gumline and pushes against it gently to help discourage gum overgrowth.. also, you can dip the brush in mouthwash (prefer hydrogen peroxide) and then insert to help push a disinfectant into gums.. Lastly, rinsing with hydrogen peroxide just prior to bed will do wonders for you gums.. Swish, spit, do not rinse/eat/drink just go to bed.. You can use it full strength as long as you dont' do it more than the once a day.. No, it doesn't taste good.. It will also help keep your teeth whiter without causing any damage.. It is also a good idea to do a fluoride rinse in the morning to help with cavities.. Swish, spit, no rinsing/eating/drinking for at least 30 minutes..Health Question & Answer

I recommend to my patients to

Use an electric toothbrush

Use a Waterpik to get in between the braces

Use Listerine to kill the bacteria in the plaque you miss..

Get as close to the gumline as you can.. The plaque that sits on the gumline causes gingivitis.. That is what causes the swelling of the gums (which goes away after the braces are removed and you are able to brush better).. Gingivitis causes swelling, bleeding, and redness All which your brother probably has..

And it is recommened that you have a Dental cleaning every 3 months if you are having problems with getting your teeth clean..

AND FLOSS!Health Question & Answer

Well I know it might be hard with braces on but the best thing you can do for your gums is floss daily.. After my pregnancy my gums changed a lot (yeah that sounds weird) but they changed I guess because of the chemical changes that happen in the body during this time....Anyway, now they are really sensitive and I have to floss a lot or they get really inflamed.. But the good news is that just a little flossing every day does wonders.. Your gums might not be as sensitive as mine but I'm sure flossing will really help (isn't it so funny how simple the solution is!......also, kinda annoying, because flossing is sometimes a pain to remember) Good luck with your beautiful smile!!Health Question & Answer

Ok well brush your teeth right when you get up in the morning, and after wards rinse with mouthwash.. It doesn't matter which kind you use.. Make sure to brush for at least 2 minutes.. If you drink any type of tea, coffee, or soda make sure to brush your teeth right after with a whitening tooth paste because it removes the film that would normally stain your teeth.. After you eat lunch I would suggest brushing your teeth, but if you have a busy schedule it would be just fine to skip it.. I would still rinse my mouth out with mouthwash.. Right before you go to bed brush your teeth the same way I told you in the morning.. Make sure to floss your teeth and brush your gums so they don't look like your brothers ;) Health Question & Answer

Gargle with salted warm water every time you have a chance
will heal and protect any sores you have and make your gum healthier................................................Health Question & Answer

when i had my braces i flossed like once a blue moon...... it takes like 30 minutes to floss with them........ pointless just brush ur gums when brush ur teeth and when get them off floss ev day until stop bleedingHealth Question & Answer

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