Dealing with Braces and the bands with them?!

Question: Dealing with Braces and the bands with them.?
I am in the transitional period of moving and I have not been checked at any orthodontist for a couple of months now..

Just about two weeks ago I was eating something and I noticed one of my bands broke off..

Just about a day ago, the same thing happened again..

Just out of curiosity, what do these bands do.? And is it bad if they break off and I don't put new ones in for a while not having an ortho around.? How long can I wait if so.?

Thanks for any help..guidance..Health Question & Answer

Hmm.. Considering I have braces right now, I should know something about this, but I'm a little confused..

If you mean the big, silver ring around the farthest back teeth, or close to the farthest back teeth (that big silver around-the-tooth thing), those keep the wires tethered, and keep them from moving too much..

If you mean the rubber-band like things that keep your mouth from opening too wide, I have no idea, I think it might be jaw-alignment or something..

If it's what I think it is, and you're talking about the rubber bands laced in between some of your teeth, then it's to group the contained teeth together, and space a couple of teeth apart for new brackets, silver ring things, etc.. to be put in (usually)..

Sorry I'm confused, but that's what orthodontal information I have for you.. As for how long you can wait, I would say that you should get checked out soon, preferably, but I've had things break off, and even when my orthodontist looked at them, he said they could wait to be put back on.. Health Question & Answer

im pretty sure they attach to the braces to pull the teeth together and i dk what you mean by broke off cuz my band are like chain linked and ive had just one side of the "chain" to break and it was fine soooo....Health Question & Answer

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