I have to get a tooth pulled and I'm VERY nervous about it. ?!

Question: I have to get a tooth pulled and I'm VERY nervous about it.. .?
I have to drive myself so taking something is not an option.. It's a tooth that has had 2 root canals and it has broken off at the gum line.. I know they'll give me gas and deaden it, but it still scares me.. Any ideas.?.? Thanks! Health Question & Answer

I think you'll be amazed at how easy it is going to be......
If you want gas, they'll get you started with that and let you relax.. Then, they'll numb the tooth that they're going to pull, and it will probably take about 2 minutes for them to pull the tooth.. Seriously.. You'll be amazed.. Unless there is some crazy problem with the tooth, it should be easy, and you'll be just fine driving yourself home afterwards as they'll let you breathe pure oxygen for awhile to get the gas out of your system..
Good luck..Health Question & Answer

you're going to think that i'm crazy but, getting teeth pulled is actually kinda fun! no joke!!!!!!
they'll put you on laughing gas, and they numb the pain so it doesn't hurt at all.. this is the process that they do it in........
1..) numbing jelly so you don't feel anything
2..) numbing shot - yes there's a needle but they put it in where they put the jelly so you don't even feel it.. (i got 8 and never knew it..)
3..) they shake your cheek which is funny..
4..) pull the teeth
5..) YOURE DONE!!!!!!!

it's not bad at all, if you feel them pulling your teeth and you feel any pain tell them and they'll numb your mouth even more! :-)Health Question & Answer

It may hurt.. I had 4 teeth pulled in one dentist appointment........ When I was younger.. If i could handle the pain, so can you.. Relax and calm down.. Dont stress over it.. You can do it :) they should give you amesia...... it should numb your gums..
dont worry :) hopefully before, that tooth hasnt caused you pain....
Health Question & Answer

If it hurts like hell it'll give you something to look forward to when you take it out.. When you get it out then treat yourself to something nice.. Maybe that'll help.?Health Question & Answer

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