Why do my top and bottom teeth hurt?!

Question: Why do my top and bottom teeth hurt.?
I had a filling renewed 6 days ago, no pain or anything with that tooth but last night all the sudden my top and bottom tetth on the right side started to ache, I cant tell which one hurts, i tried tappin and touchin but i cant find it then it went to the top back teeth, then both at the same time, then my jaw and up to my temple.. It helped to get up and take motrin but now im scared it will happen again.. Could it be a nerv from when the dentist numbed me, maybe that area since he gave me 2 shots and moved the needle around so much while still in me.? no sinus problems but thats how it feels like when my teeth hurt from sinuses.. Any ideas please guys.. Thanks so muchHealth Question & Answer

hi there..since you just had your fillings renewed,i'm suspecting that your new fillings are overfilled..i mean, they are higher than the old fillings you had before..that causes pain on your teeth and temple..usually, when you go for fillings and they numbed you, you won't feel that your bite is not balance after the procedure..you need to go back to your dentist and tell them your problem..your dentist will just reduce some of the overfilled fillings..Health Question & Answer

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