Braces - can they glue your cheek to the bracket?!

Question: Braces - can they glue your cheek to the bracket.?
I got new brackets yesterday.. I swear it feels like my cheek is stuck to the bracket.. Not hooked up on the bracket, glued on.. Is that possible.? I told the technician that's what it felt like, but she just said I had to get used to having brackets on my back teeth..
Does anyone know what kind of glue they use to stick the brackets on with.?
Thanks!Health Question & Answer

Nothing to worry.. It is not glue.. It is chemical called composite resin which is used to fix the brackets on the tooth.. This is for sure that your cheek cannot get glued to the bracket.. You are just having the feeling and this feeling will go within a week or so.. For more information on braces you can visit the following link" rel="nofollow">

They even have the facility of free consultation by dentist.. In case you need to clarify something, you can post your question..Health Question & Answer

i dont think its on your the person said youll just have to get used to it..
try putting wax on the bracket (you can get this from your orthos office, or maybe you have some already.?) and you can stick abit on the bracket and thatll prevent your cheek from rubbing against the metal.. youll just have to get used to it!
it will get better!Health Question & Answer

I had exactly the same problem and took a long time to work it out!

You've been grinding your teeth!

Yes - I know - I was surprised, too!" rel="nofollow">

Teeth grinding (the proper name is bruxism) can not only be irritating - it can be dangerous, too..

My name is Charles Harrison.. Throughout my childhood, I would grind my teeth at night.. By the time I was 9, you could notice that my teeth were as flat as if they were filed down!

At 12 years old, I finally found a dentist who understood the damage I was causing to myself.. He explained to me that it was called bruxism and he helped me understand why it was so important to stop..

He fitted me with a $500

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