What are the chances of my Orthodontist getting me in tommorow?!

Question: What are the chances of my Orthodontist getting me in tommorow.?
I am in severe pain.. I had 8 teeth including wisdom teeth pulled last wednesday.. I got braces on monday and my teeth are killing my.. I took 5 Tylenol 500MLG each.. Please don't yell at me for that i have already been talked to but i was in severe pain.. Are the chances slim of getting in tommorow.? Because they are taking a 2 week vacation and closing the office and i believe it begins next week but i could be wrong..Health Question & Answer

my ortho was great if I needed an urgent appointment, you can but only try tommorow..

but personally I know your suffering but if its just down to the teeth moving then I should think they will suggest you just stick it out, just think of that end date being that little bit closer if you can just manage this bit..
I do sympathise on the pain, I know the few days after each adjustment were tourture and i could barley close my teeth together without yelping, but it does ease off, The very first week of having braces is generally the worst and after that following adjustments arnt all bad or as bad, you get used to it..
If your wire is actually protruding into your cheek cause its too long maybe this can be so so so sore I know and cuts you,if this is the sort of problem you have then your ortho will most likey see you that day and quickly just clip the end and give you some wax......
good luck and be brave, its all going to be worth it in the end :) Health Question & Answer

If you call as an Emergency Patient that should be able to get you in there.. I had the SAME THING! [but excluding the wisdom teeth] last week.. It hurts now still and my mom was worried that something happened, so she called and they got me in that day.. Just calll.. They probably will do something for you..
Hope you get better !;
:DHealth Question & Answer

Yes.. Orthodontists leave time during the day for emergency appointments.. I'm sure they'll fit you in! Good luck! Feel better!Health Question & Answer

If they can't get you in tell them to find someone who can....It sounds like you might have dry socket......Health Question & Answer

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