Braces!? Help!? Plz!!?!

Question: Braces!.? Help!.? Plz!!.?
Braces!.? Help!.? Plz!!.?
Ok so I have about 10 little sores about 8 of them are right in my lower lip on the INSIDE of my mouth and they really hurt and there's a really big one and i think its infected cuz its turning all green and then the other 2 are other places in my mouth.. They hurt really bad and it hurts to talk and to eat.. Oh and the wax doesn't work for the irritation on them so ya any suggestions.? Oh and all of these are from my braces
and the wax doesnt stick so how do i make it stick.?
oh and also i have had them for a really long time and never had this problem before wierd huh! oh and i am allergic to nickel so could that be it.?Health Question & Answer

If you've had braces for a while i doubt and allergic reaction is going to happen now..
i had tthesewhen i got my braces, they are horrible and the wax ddoesn'treally work.. It may be that a colour has come off the one of the brackets so the sharp metal is rrubbingon your mouth.. put a lump of the wax onto the metal eevery timeit hurts, it works a bit long as you really gouge the metal into the wax and get as much on it as possible..
as for the lumps, id use TCP or another (suitable) disinfectant, mouthwash might work.?
Go see your dentist soon as, they will be able to tell you whether its due to your teeth moving or whether they are broken.. they will also be able to give you a proper way to deal with it..Health Question & Answer

If you rub the wax around in your hand so it warms up it will stick better.. And yes that is weird......

But put Baking Soda On each of the sores .. it will cover it up so they cant get anyworse.. it may taste wierd but i have heard it helps.. I hope it gets better..Health Question & Answer

you should make an appointment with your ortho if it gets any worse.. but make your mouth dry with a cotton ball or something and then put the wax on anf it should help.. i had brace for two years....Health Question & Answer

For the wax to work, you have to take a pretty big amount and jam it onto the braces.. I've had the sores you are talking about just from biting my lip and having my teeth irritate it.. You can go to your local drugstore and buy Orajel mouth pain reliever.. They have many different kinds to choose from.. I'm going to warn you ahead of time that it hurts a lot when you first put it on the sores, but then it becomes numb.. You really need to go to your orthodontist and ask them if there is nickel in the metal they use and tell them about the green sore.. For now, you can use the Orajel to alleviate most of the pain..Health Question & Answer

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