Why do my gums bleed everytime i brush my teeth ?!

Question: Why do my gums bleed everytime i brush my teeth .?
my gums bleed everytime i brush , and latley its a lot worse Health Question & Answer

Bleeding is how your gums tell you they aren't happy for some reason.. This is called gingivitis.. Yes, medications can cause it, various health conditions can cause it (diabetes, pregnancy etc..).. More often than not it's bacteria.. Most people brush but many don't brush properly.. You want to GENTLY brush the gums as well.. Use a small circular motion.. Angle your toothbrush so the bristles go just under the gum line.. You should brush a minimum of two minutes twice a day.. Brush all areas--inside, outside, top, bottom, front back, right, left.. Many people miss the insides of their teeth (especially the inside of the lower back teeth) and canines get missed a lot because they are on the corners and get skipped going from front teeth to back teeth.. But, one of the main reasons gums bleed is lack of flossing.. Many people who are good brushers don't floss.. Ideally, we would like you to floss every day but even a few times a week is better than never.. also, even flossers don't always take the floss under the gums.. There are two parts to flossing.. When the string breaks through the contact where the teeth touch you are helping to prevent cavities but you also have to floss your gums.. Gently take the floss under the gums.. It may be a little tender the first few times and may bleed but if you keep doing it, they willl toughen up, get healthier and won't bleed or hurt.. Human natures tells us bleeding is bad and if something makes us bleed-don't do it.. Well, when it comes to your gums, bleeding is bad but do it more.. If it hurts like a razor blade-you went to far.. You can get up to 3 mm deep with floss without pain.. You have to get the bacteria out from under the gums to prevent gum disease and bone loss.. Bacteria forms under the gums in little colonies or cities.. The longer it is allowed to build in there the more destructive it becomes.. If you can keep the cities stirred up, they can't grow and become destructive.. Most areas of gum disease and bone loss originates in between the teeth.. If it gets too bad, you can actually loose a perfectly healthy tooth if there is no bone to hold it in.. Flossing can be frustrating at first, go slow until you get familar with the contacts and what angle to use to get the floss in there.. Another common mistake--make sure to wrap the floss around your MIDDLE fingers.. This way you can hold and guide the floss with your index finger and thumb.. To start, try the Reach Access flosser.. You can floss one handed and spit free.. I do it while watching tv.. Just take it UNDER the gums.. Healthy gums don't bleed and you can keep them healthy by investing about 5 minutes of every day.. Looking at the big picture, that isn't much time to ensure a healthy mouth the rest of your life..
Hope that helps--good luck

Health Question & Answer

Are you on medication.? Sometimes medication causes it.. Or maybe you are brushing too hard.. Health Question & Answer

your not flossing all the time.. rinse your mouth with salt water 3 times daily and floss.. get a good cleaning and stick to the flossing and brushing routine..Health Question & Answer

need to see dentist , this is a sign of pyaria (not spelled correctely).. Nothing to put off need to see dentist asapHealth Question & Answer


you may have gum disease.. You should make an appt with you dentist ASAPHealth Question & Answer

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