Wisdom tooth pain a couple weeks after surgery?!

Question: Wisdom tooth pain a couple weeks after surgery.?
hey all-

I had my wisdom teeth removed the 20th of aug.. and all of them are fine except one- my lower left (your right when looking at me) one.. It feels fine with ice on it and with a pain killer, but without it, I am in pain.. I thought the pain would have stopped by now.. I did everything I was supposed to- liquid diet, don't spit or drink through straw, warm salt water, brushed teeth, etc.. why am I in pain.?Health Question & Answer

I had my wisdom teeth removed on July 10th so I can relate to what your going through.. I had one that hurt for longer than the rest too which I'm guessing is pretty normal.. It took me over 2 weeks, maybe even three, until I felt totally back to normal again.. also, the bottom ones usually hurt worse.. The pain should start to get better in about a week.. The one that hurts could also have been more rooted than the other ones (which makes it more difficult to remove and more painful afterwards).. If the pain gets worse or doesn't go away then you should go back to your surgeon because it could be a dry socket.. Just keep following the doctor's instructions and you should be fine!Health Question & Answer

Even when you take all the precautions not to get a dry socket (not using straws etc) it can STILL happen! Increasing pain more than 3 days after surgery is a good sign that you have a dry socket.. Go to your dentist/surgeon and they will check your mouth, and if you have a dry socket they can help! I had one after I got my wisdom teeth out.. It was easy, relatively painless, and felt so much better after the treatment was done that I wanted to hug the doctors and nurses there!Health Question & Answer

In April I had a wisdom tooth pulled but it was through surgery and I was under anesthesia.. It hurt for months and every day at school during lunch I would have to go to the nurse for 2 ibuprofen.. It can be bad just try not to talk allot and when you do don't open your mouth up completely..Health Question & Answer

I had my wisdom teeth removed also, but it only hurt for 2 days.. I think the dentist probably didn't remove the wisdom teeth properly.. Go to your dentist as soon as possible before it gets worse..Health Question & Answer

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