Does anyone else get nauseous from toothpaste or mouthwash?!

Question: Does anyone else get nauseous from toothpaste or mouthwash.?
After I brush my teeth and mouthwash in the morning, I feel like I could throw up afterwards.. This morning I felt so sick that I just sat down in front of the toilet because I KNEW I was going to throw up, and I did.. I felt perfectly fine before brushing my teeth though..

I don't swallow anymore toothpaste than a normal person.. What can I do so I don't get sick from brushing my teeth.? I've tried tons of different kinds of toothpaste and all of them still make me feel nauseous..Health Question & Answer

Try to get a toothpaste without Triclosan as an ingredient.. It's even been linked to cancer, yet most of them have it..

Children's is the best way to go.. You can get watermelon, bubble gum, anything..

also- get ACT mouthwash, not the restoring kind, the regular kind, its alcohol free and it just tastes minty.. No tingling or anything, and it prevents cavities..

Good Luck!!

this probably isn't the case, but are you sure you're not pregnant =) Health Question & Answer

Make sure you are only brushing with a little less than a "pea size" amount of toothpaste.. You don't need much.. In the beginning you could try using the crest for kids until you get over the nauseous feeling.. Try not to "sike" yourself out.. Brush in small circles quickly.. scrape over your tongue, rinse and spit......your done in two minutes and don't have enough time to think about feeling ill.. Good luck to you..Health Question & Answer

Yeah, I get that too sometimes.. don't use alot of toothpaste & don't go back very far on your tongue..

My little sister(shes 5 1/2) is deaf (she has implants to hear now) and she can not use alot of tootbecausebecuase hersenses sences are very powerful.. she uses little baby stuff now/Health Question & Answer

Yea i sometimes feel like this too,like all dizzy and heated......but if it gets to the point where you're throwing up i think you should ask your doctor at your next check-up or if you feel like you want to know right away what is wrong and what could prevent this then you could just set up an appointment..Health Question & Answer

The function of brushing is to break up the biofilm on the teeth.. (we used to call this plaque).. This is the same stuff that grows on heart valves or water hoses or dog's water bowls.. If you wanted to clean out the yuck in the bottom of a water bowl, you would use a wash cloth and wipe it out, rinse and be done..

You can clean your mouth PERFECTLY fine without toothpaste and you especially don't need to use mouth wash..

Brush your teeth with water until they feel shiny (run your tongue along them).. Feel mossy.? Not done, brush some more.. Floss to get rid of the biofilm under the gum between your teeth.. You are done..

Tooth paste and especially mouth washes can make that morning belly unhappy.. Not uncommon and certainly not pleasant..

P&G and Listerine have convinced us that we NEED their products.. In normal mouthes, that just isn't the case.. There are patients who require extra fluoride or medicaments for gum issues.. For them we use a prescription toothpaste or rinse..

Free yourself!! Brush til they are shiny, floss and use the saved money on something else fun! Good luck..Health Question & Answer

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