Braces colors and seperaters Colors?!

Question: Braces colors and seperaters Colors.?
I'm getting braces next week and seperaters tomorrow I was wondering what seperaters were and how they put them in the orthodontis told me but I forget

For my braces I also need color ideas I was thinking blue and green or yellow and orange or just blue

ThanksHealth Question & Answer

Ok,regarding your first questions about separators.. Or as most people refer to them Spacers.. Spacers do exactly what they sound like.. They make space for the rings that go on your back teeth.. Here's a video on how they put them in:" rel="nofollow">
Next, Flossing with braces can be a bit tricky.. Your orthodontist will defiantly show you how right after you get braces.. I recommend buying Super floss at your local Wal-Mart or pharmacy.. It helps make flossing easier.. Here's a video on how to floss with braces:" rel="nofollow">
Colors with braces are lots of fun.. Pretty much every color looks good.. But try to avoid these colors:
Yellow- Makes your teeth look dirty constantly
White/Clear- Eventually develop a yellow tint making teeh apear dirty
You can experiment with colors at:" rel="nofollow">
If you want to see the process of how they put braces on go to:" rel="nofollow">
1.. Your mouth is going to be sore for the first few days.. Stock up on a lot of soft foods.. Yogurts, bananas, pudding, jello, etc..
2.. Put on chap stick before you go ( they stretch out you lips so they get chap )
3.. Relax
Good luck!!!

Health Question & Answer

Brush on top and bottom of your brackets, and they should have a mouth wash they sell right in the office, it's made by Colgate, buy it.. Brushing will take at least five minutes Floss when your in the office especially when they take out the wires, and buy a tooth brush designed for braces.. Separators are little blue small gum band things that they place between your teeth with a pair of dental pliers and I won't lie they hurt when you bite for the first few days.. Health Question & Answer

for the separators, it's an O shape so they string floss through it and stick them in your teeth like how you would when you floss your teeth.. Separators are like wedges, they make room for the molar bands that hold the arch wire connected to the brackets..

The way I floss with my braces is that I stick the floss through the wire and I just floss normally.. Some people would use this tool you could get at any drug store.. you use it like a needle and go through the wires easily..

I brushed slowly at first.. I made sure i got every space.. I brushed the back of my teeth, on top of my teeth, my gums, and the bottom of my teeth.. I finish by scrubbing the brackets and wires..

For colors, i think blue would look nice..

(:Health Question & Answer

you brush normally, for flossing you can buy these things called floss threaders that help you get the floss over wiring and there's also a brush that looks kinda like a mascara brush that gets down in btwn the brackets and after like age 14 or 15 at the most the colored bands thing gets old so keep that in mind they also come in clear and silver so they blend in and don't clash with your outfitsHealth Question & Answer

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