Mouth Thrush And What To Eat!?!

Question: Mouth Thrush And What To Eat!.?
I have thrush in my mouth (all over my tongue and down my throat).. I've had it for about 4 days know but only just found out what it is as I've only been back of holiday a hour and just shown my mum! Shes phoned the doctor and we are waiting for a prescription for antibiotics to be faxed through.. But I'm so hungry and haven't eaten all coach journey home (from spain....25 hours), Is there anything anyone can suggest that has no spice and is quite soft as my mouth is in a lot of pain when i eat anything salty or hard! Health Question & Answer

There's lots of soft things that are easy just to swallow:- milk,food supplements like Complan,smoothies,yoghurts(live is best),custard with well-stewed apple,or chopped banana etc,creamed soups-even with bread if you dunk it,scrambled eggs,pasta with carbonara or cheese sauce,rice pudding,ice cream........try pancakes with onion gravy,or how about my old Mum's favourite stand-by....warm milk with sugar added, bread broken up into it & a lump of butter.? Sounds yuk,but actually it's quite soothing & nourishing..
I know salt stings like crazy,but it does it good....vinegar too..If you can stand it,a mouthwash/gargle with either at intervals really does help,or even try sucking salt & vingar crisps! Then one of the nice things a few minutes later to make up for it..
Hope any of this helps & it's better soon..Health Question & Answer

Cool and bland things like yogurt will be fine.. You can but the anti-fungal treatment required over the counter also!Health Question & Answer

Go to the chemist and get some nystatin syrup for the thrush & you'll just have to drink milky things until it clears a bit..........Health Question & Answer

You can take cold milk, juices or take custard etc.. for more information on dental subjects you can visit www..identalhub..comHealth Question & Answer

i no this sounds strange but if you swill your mouth out with vinigar then it will kill most of the thrush! and maybe if you try eating a yogurt then that would sooth it!Health Question & Answer

try some jelly and live yoghurt this will also help to neutralize the oral thrush...... Good Luck....Health Question & Answer

Tomato soup is always the way forward in these situationsHealth Question & Answer

Diet (and non-pharmacological treatments):

Yeast doesn't survive well in an acidic environment, so you want to acidify your body, and eat things that are natural antifungals, as well as starve the yeasties into submission:

Eat unsweetened (plain), no sugar or aspartame/Nutrasweet) yogurt every day (make sure it says 'active live cultures' on the container) and/or drink Acidophilus milk..

Take acidophilus/bifidus capsules.. Some of these require refrigeration and lose potency if they warm to room temperature, so be sure to read the label..

Eat garlic.. Take garlic tablets..

Add flax seed oil to your diet (liquid or capsules).. Keep it refrigerated so it doesn't go rancid..

Eat rutabagas.. No kidding..

Add olive oil to your diet.. Or apply it directly to your nipples.. It has antifungal qualities..

Try the commercially-available "Yeast Guard" type capsules, with multiple ingredients, but check with the health-store employees, your midwife, lactation consultant, LLL and/or physician for their safety..

Go to your health food store and get Caprylic acid capsules.. I was told to take 4 per day, 2 in the morning and 2 at night, but not to take them within an hour of taking acidophilus capsules..

Alternatively, try a homeopathic 'Candida Away' type sublingual pellet, but don't use mint toothpaste while you use it or any other homeopathic remedy (mint is an antidote to homeopathic remedies)..

Smear a tiny amount of acidophilus powder mixed with water, on your nipples.. Let dry..

The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding (La Leche League) recommends at least trying a weak vinegar bath for your nipples - 1 tablespoon of vinegar to a cup of water, changed daily.. I found that it helped ease the discomfort at least.. It also made my baby reject the breast sometimes, I suspect because of the taste..

Gentian Violet will work against Thrush (in the baby's mouth), in many cases.. It seems to have worked for me.. For information by Dr.. Jack Newman on how to use it, see" rel="nofollow"> It's a very very messy stuff, but a bottle costs about $2 or $3 and will last for many treatments, and for a handy antiseptic treatment, similar to mercurachrome, for scratches and scrapes later on.. You'll have to call around to find a pharmacy that actually carries it..

The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding also suggests a mild baking soda solution for the baby's mouth, but again, I can't verify this..

Try to cut all processed sugars, and as many natural sugars from your diet as possible - this means glucose, sucrose, honey, maple syrup, corn syrup, and everything else.. Unless you're diabetic, of course..

Try to cut out as much white flour as you can.. You can eat all the millet, beans, lentils, barley, amaranth, quinoa, teff, and so on, as you can tolerate, but avoid white rice, white pastas, and other simple carbohydrates..

Avoid foods with molds or yeasts in them, such as cheese, brewer's yeast, beer, yeast-raised bread, wine, etc..


Boiling water will kill yeast, but you have to do it right.. Get the water going at a rolling boil before you put anything into it.. Keep it boiling for a minimum of 20 minutes.. Make sure bottles and bras don't bob out of the water.. They need to be immersed..

Boil your bras.. Boil them once initially, and then again if they get milk leak-through.. This does bad things to the elastic, so be very conscientious about keeping your bras from getting milk on them until you're better.. You might boil them once and then after your 2 weeks of treatment are up, if you can keep a nursing pad between you and the fabric all the time..

Boil breast-pump breast shields, bottles, and anything else (plastic, glass or metal) that comes in contact with yeast-contaminated milk, every day.. Use disposable bottle-bags if you freeze milk..

If you use bottles to store or feed expressed breastmilk or even formula, boil them too - both bottles and nipples.. Boiling makes latex nipples hard, and ruins them.. Silicone or PVC nipples (clear or jewel-toned clear) seem to handle this boiling adequately..

If you pump milk, try to use it the same day.. If you must freeze it, date and mark it with a 'Y' or something, and feed within a few days.. If you feed your baby yeast-contaminated milk after your course of treatment is over, you'll just re-infect her, and start the cycle over again..

Make sure you discard any remaining when your treatment is over.. Freezing does not kill yeast..Health Question & Answer

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