I have put superglue to fix my braces..now i am terrified..HELP PLEASE!?!

Question: I have put superglue to fix my braces....now i am terrified....HELP PLEASE!.?
I have broken my braces so many times, that now by orthodontist has probably rightly said if i break them another time he will stop the treatment.. But i broke them again through carelessness and was so scared that on the spur of the moment i got the superglue and used a tiny amount to fix the bracket back in place.. Now i am terrified 1.. that when he examines my teeth he will notice, even though you cannot see it unless you remove the bracket, 2.. that the bracket now won't be able to actually come off my teeth ever, and 3.. that if the bracket does come off my teeth will be badly stained.. Please help I am really really upset and worried.. Health Question & Answer

YES your orthodontist can stop treatment at anytime.. Most of the time there is a clause in the contract.. If the ortho is doing his/her job, you must do yours.. It's kind of like a team effort..
YOUR job is to keep your brackets on, keep your teeth clean, keep your appointments, and wear your elastics etc.. as prescribed by the doctor..
His/her job is to do the correct treatment.. They have the right to discontinue treatment or charge a pretty good fee for broken brackets.. Usually the parents make the kids pay! Which is a great thing because that gives the kids an idea of how much these things really cost.. You would be surprised how many kids who were habitual bracket breakers change their habits when they have to pay for it themselves..
I would call them ASAP and apologize and see if they will give you another chance, Plus i'm pretty sure that putting super glue on your teeth is probably not a good idea.. And if you have placed that bracket in the wrong position, it's going to move your tooth way out of wack..
CALL THEM..Health Question & Answer

As long as someone is paying the bill the orthodontist will not stop treatment.. Your saliva will eventually dissolve the glue.. If you are afraid that the glue is stuck to your teeth, start moving it a little at a time with your tongue until it is loose.. And please be more responsible with the braces they are there for a reason..Health Question & Answer

1.. That was NOT a good idea..
2.. The orthodontist is going to know.. You might as well tell him..
3.. You are paying him good money.. As long as you are paying him, you are in charge of whether or not you want to stop the treatment or not.. Doctors can't do that..Health Question & Answer

do not ever use superglue on your teeth.. it may perm discolor the tooth.. now your Sylvia will break down the supper glue so any how call your doc and get in asapHealth Question & Answer

I would go to the orthodontist asap......Health Question & Answer

Yes, a doctor has the right to stop treating a patient.. If you are terrified, it does not sound like you are the type that goes out of your way to make a medical practitioner need to drop you as a patient.. You may have a practitioner who was tired or exasperated that day..

Super glue will not be dissolved by spit.. It more than likely won't stain the tooth.. It should polish off just like the resin they use to hold the brackets on in the first place..

Fess up.. Don't do it again......you are bloody lucky you didn't glue your cheek to your teeth..

Stop chewing on rocks :)Health Question & Answer

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