What is it like to have your braces taken off?!

Question: What is it like to have your braces taken off.?
Today i wil be finaly getting my braces off.. So how do they get the brackets off and take off the glue, and what will my gums feel like after..Health Question & Answer

Well, when they first take it off, it'll smell really bad.. Kinda a little like doo doo, because bacteria has been building up so long on your braces.. It will feel a little grainy and they'll try to take off as much of the cement as possible..

Then when you rinse your mouth with some water, it feels like there's a lot of space in your mouth and your teeth will feel really smooth..Health Question & Answer

Don't worry.. You may feel a little pain but they will most likely numb you mouth so it wont hurt that much.. It feels weird at first but then you get used to it..Health Question & Answer

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