Why does it have to appear at the corner of my mouth?!

Question: Why does it have to appear at the corner of my mouth.?
i woke up drooling, scratched it, and licked it constantly because i thought it was nothing..

soon it formed what Looks like very very tiny bumps appearing at the corner of my mouth and it really pissed me off cause i never done oral sex or kissed a girl in my life.. i'm only a teen in highschool.. i bought zovirax and applied it 2 times daily, wasn't effective at all and didn't look any better the next day waste of 35 dollars..

I did eat something which i could have been allergic to........ pho viet noodles search it up, cause the soup was very strong with alot of ingredients

It was not painful the whole time, but only itchy and a little bit of burn.. Yes it did scab too and my mouth kept cracking with blood.. It went away after 2 weeks..

So what is it.?

Should i get a blood test for cold sore herpe simplex and would it tell me if i really do have it in my system.. I know this is one of the toughest questions cause u cannot be sure of what to say especially if u havent seen the problem i had with my mouth.. Anyone ever had this problem.?.?

Health Question & Answer

go to the doctorsHealth Question & Answer

You got herpes..Health Question & Answer

What you are describing is exactly like Herpes Simplex 1.. I understand that it's a big deal right now but it's actually pretty common.. A lot of the time, people are carriers and it is never expressed.. Going to the doctor won't do very much for you.. If you have it, you'll actually have it for life...... There's no vaccine or cure.. Be happy that it's not Simplex 2! (genital)..

If you have another outbreak, it'll be in the same spot.. The best way to reduce the time it takes to heal is to treat it as soon as you get the "tingly" feeling.. A teacher suggested taking L-lysine (which is a tablet you can buy OTC) and also Abreva is really popular as a treatment..

When you have time look up causes like too much time in the sun, etc.. that will cause another outbreak..

Good LuckHealth Question & Answer

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