I'm getting braces tomorrow morning?!

Question: I'm getting braces tomorrow morning.?
and i was wondering how much they hurt getting them put on.?
i'm also getting 2 teeth pulled, and i've never had that done before..

i heard that i should take some advil before i get them on, so i'm going to do that..

sorry for all the questions xD
but also, what colors look good together.?
i have brown hair and blue eyes; if that makes any difference..Health Question & Answer

It will be kind of "uncomfortable" when they put them on and will likely not hurt too much right away.. You'll feel pressure and the brackets will probably feel *huge* in your mouth.. You will get used to them after you've had them for a while..

You will likely have some pain the night after you get your braces and it could last a couple of days.. For the first dew days you'll probably only want to eat soft things and be most comfortable eating things that you don't have to chew (soup, mashed potatoes, ice cream).. If you are getting teeth pulled at the same time, listen to your dentist/orthodontist as he/she might advise against dairy while you are healing..

You will get used to your braces in no time, but you'll likely be a little uncomfortable for a bit after your adjustments.. At first your braces are doping a lot of work making some relatively significant changes to your smile (you'll see results fast!).. It will get easier and easier each time..

Taking some ibuprofen (advil, motrin) before you get them on - and before any adjustment appointments - will help you be more comfortable..

The cool thing about colors is that you get to change it up every time you visit your orthodontist's office for an adjustment.. Start out with your favorite colors or your school's colors.. You can mix and match top and bottom or even alternate colors on each tooth (red/green for Christmas)..

Congratulations on your braces!!! Take lot's of before and after pictures (and ones along the way).. It will be a lot of fun to have them to compare your smile as it changes.. You will love the result!Health Question & Answer

Yeah, they don't hurt to get them on at all! Just afterwards, have to eat lots of soft foods like soup, apple sauce, yogurt, stuff like that!! Definitely take advil, asprin, alieve, tylonel, something like that before you go! I don't know what colors either!!! :] I am getting mine on for the second time next Tuesday! :] Good luck! [:Health Question & Answer

It doesnt hurt getting the braces put on, but later after they are on your teeth will ache because the braces are already moving them.. take advil, and eat soft foods!Health Question & Answer

i does not hurt to get them on and it doesnt hurt to get ur teeth yes u might want to sumin here is a color planner .com/BracesSelector..html" rel="nofollow">http://drjohnking..com/BracesSelector..htm......Health Question & Answer

Dental braces (also known as orthodontic braces) are a device used in orthodontics to align teeth and their position with regard to a person's bite.. They are often used to correct malocclusions such as underbites, overbites, cross bites and open bites, or crooked teeth and various other flaws of teeth and jaws, whether cosmetic or structural.. Orthodontic braces are often used in conjunction with other orthodontic appliances to widen the palate or jaws or otherwise shape the teeth and jaws.. They are mainly used on children and teenagers, however adults can also use them..

Contents [hide]
1 History
2 How braces work
3 Procedure
4 Post-treatment
4..1 Retainers
4..2 Pre-finisher
4..3 Surgery
5 Complications and risks
6 Treatment time and cost
7 Types of braces
8 See also
9 References

[edit] History
In the mid-18th century the French physician Pierre Fauchard (credited as the father of modern dentistry) witnessed and treated several dental deformities very common among citizens in Paris during the pre-revolutionary France.. Historians believe that two different men deserve the title of being called "the Father of Orthodontics.." One man was Norman W.. Kingsley, a dentist, writer, artist, and sculptor, who wrote his "Treatise on Oral Deformities" in 1880.. Kingsley's writings influenced dental science greatly.. also deserving credit is dentist J.. N.. Farrar, who wrote two volumes entitled "A treatise on the Irregularities of the teeth and their corrections".. Farrar was very good at designing brace appliances, and he was the first to suggest the use of mild force at timed intervals to move teeth..

The American dentist Edward Angle is also widely regarded as a father of modern orthodontics.. Practising in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, his eponymous classification of dental arch relationships is used worldwide.. His textbook, "Treatment of Malocclusion of the Teeth" was first published in 1887.. It went into seven much revised editions and laid the foundation of the modern specialty.. After tenure as professor of orthodontics in two medical schools, he went on to found his School of Orthodontia in 1910.. He designed several fixed orthodontic appliance systems including the ribbon arch and then the edgewise appliance.. This has evolved into the sophisticated pre-adjusted and self-ligating systems used by the great majority of orthodontists today..

[edit] How braces work
Teeth move through the use of force.. The force applied by the archwire pushes the tooth in a particular direction and a stress is created within the periodontal ligament.. The modification of the periodontal blood supply[1] determines a biological response which leads to bone remodeling, where bone is created on one side by osteoblast cells and resorbed on the other side by osteoclasts..

Two different kinds of bone resorption are possible.. Direct resorption, starting from the lining cells of the alveolar bone, and indirect or retrograde resorption, where osteoclasts start their activity in the neighbour bone marrow.. Indirect resorption takes place when the periodontal ligament has become acellular (necrosis or hyalinization), for an excessive amount and duration of compressive stress.. In this case the quantity of bone resorbed is larger than the quantity of newly formed bone (negative balance).. Bone resorption only occurs in the compressed periodontal ligament.. Another important phenomenon associated with tooth movement is bone deposition.. Bone deposition occurs in the distracted periodontal ligament.. Without bone deposition, the tooth will loosen and voids will occur distal to the direction of tooth movement..

A tooth will usually move about a millimeter per month during orthodontic movement, but there is high individual variability.. Orthodontic mechanics can vary in efficiency, thus explaining a wide range of response to orthodontic treatment..

[edit] Procedure
Orthodontic services may be provided by any licensed dentist trained in orthodontics.. In North America most orthodontic treatment is done by orthodontists, dentists in diagnosis and treatment of malocclusions

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