How long did you feel pain after your wisdom teeth were pulled?!

Question: How long did you feel pain after your wisdom teeth were pulled.?
I'm 30 which is a little late to get my wisom teeth pulled but I finaly did it! There were a few complications; It was infected, impacted, my roots were hooked... It was a pretty rough surgery. I'm on motrin and two antibiotics. My energy level is a little better but I'm still experiencing some pain. They told me that it would be a little worse then the usual recovery, but I'm curious if anyone has had a similar experience and how long it took you to feel better. Mine was pulled on Friday. Unfortunately, I still have one more to go through! Health Question & Answer

Lenny, as with anything health related there is no exact answer to your question. Everyone has different experiences. Pain usually peaks around day 3 though so you're there. Things should be getting better. Just make sure to keep the sockets clear of food, and keep eating foods rich in protein!Health Question & Answer

When I got mine extracted & it was rough too, I took pain pills for a week.First 3 days were VERY rough,I just wanted to curl up & die as I found out I was allergic to vicodine which the doc prescribed.Imagine finding out that U just took this pill & it pulls this act on U BUT eventually it got better infact on the 5th day the pain was just a dull throb& I didn;t have to take any pain pill but I did just to be better!

I sincerely hope U don't take more then a few days to recover!
take care &
GOOD LUCK!Health Question & Answer

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