Is it ok to have a smoke after oral surgery?!

Question: Is it ok to have a smoke after oral surgery.?
I had oral surgery 2 days ago, i didnt have an extraction i just had some teeth that got displaced because of a blow to the face. anyway the put the teeth back into place and i have several stitches in my gum above the the teeth. i had a smoke about 7 hours after the surgery and have basically been having them like i normally would since then. so far i havent had any further pain (well no more than i already had after surgery) . i have made sure to drag the ciggs very lightly so as not to dislodge the bloodclut and get a dry socket infection. but im wondering if im still at risk to get one if i keep smoking like i do.? also i was wondering if it is ok to take rum shots chased by some sprite (im not on pain killers anymore, but i am still taking penicillin).....please dont tell me not to drink because its irresponcible or anything like that. i am completely aware of how dumb it is to drink. straight forward answers please on the risks i could be incurrring. thanks in advance, will give a best answer by the way.Health Question & Answer

I had a tooth pulled out today, and I too am terrified of a dry socket forming! I also smoke. You're not supposed to smoke for 24 - 48 hours after surgery, but I left it a few hours. I think a lot of people do this, as people who smoke will find it hard to stop smoking for a day. It's not the best thing to do, but I know other people who have done the same, and they have been fine.

As for the drinking, you're not supposed to drink on any antibiotics. I did some research on the internet today, as I am on them too but I have a big night out tomorrow. I found a website saying that only around 20% of people on antibiotics feel ill after drinking. I think it just depends on the person and how strong your stomach is. I'd suggest a small drink, maybe a beer or half a beer, see how you feel after an hour and if you feel fine, you are one of the lucky ones. That's my plan for tomorrow! Good luck =)


**edit** This site will put your mind at rest over the smoking :) Question & Answer

you must wait 2 weeks after any oral surgery before you continue to kill yourself slowlyHealth Question & Answer

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