19 years old!

Question: 19 years old
You are right when you say sealants are usually recommended for children. This is because poor home care in the adolescent years leads to higher incident of tooth decay. Usually once your out of your teen years if your diet and home care are good, you should be fine without sealants. However, if the grooves & pits or overall anatomy of these 5 teeth are really deep and therefore are more likely to decay then you would be better off paying, even if out of pocket, for the sealants. If these 5 teeth he is recommending sealants for end up turning into cavities, your dad will be paying ALOT more!! I guess I would either go ahead with the sealants, which should be NO MORE than around $35 each tooth. OR I would have a quick exam with one more dds and get a second opinion. also, another plus to sealants is there isn't any tooth structure removed, it's strictly a preventative. Good luck!!Health Question & Answer

if you're prone to cavaties I would suggest getting sealants. They aren't that expensive. You don't have to do them all at once and it's just the back teeth they do anyways. You want to keep your teeth healthy they are the only teeth you'll get and you wnt them around for a long time.Health Question & Answer

I have heard of them being done on adults. I guess it sort of depends on what school of thought your dentist is from. Some think it is better to just watch and wait, others are more aggressive on the preventative stuff. Get a second opinion from your next dentist. But I don't think it is totally unheard of. Health Question & Answer

Not really. My mom only got them for me because my teeth had deep ridges and I needed braces. You do not need them, all they do is make the tooth less likely to get a cavatity. Health Question & Answer

hes probably just wanting your money. dont do it unless you have plenty of other dentist's opinions. half of the time you wont even need it.
this one dentist said i needed sealant on my two front teeth (i was about 9) and when i switched dentists he told me it was glue (that you use for braces.?.?)!!!! anyway, point to this little story: i NEVER needed sealant and she messed me up for life. once i turn 21 (3 years) i need to get veneers... it will fix it, and look much better than before... but can you say lawsuit!!!
i would just get more opinions.. dentists are bad... *shudders*
good luck!Health Question & Answer

Sealants are a good idea no matter how old you are. Wear and tear does leave enamel weak in areas and vulnerable to decay causing bacteria.

Get a second opinion from another competent dentist.

I had sealants when I was in my mid-twenties. Oh, and I still have NO cavities or fillings.......and I'm old enough to be your mom!

Oh, and I've also had TMJ issues and have used both custom made bite guards as well as kind athletes use for night use. A doctor of oral medicine at the University of Washington School of Dental Medicine told me the boil in water to soften athletic mouth guards work just fine for night grinding and clenching damage control.Health Question & Answer

if you have gnding problem then your sealant is not going to last. mainly the sealants are not indicated on the tooth which is in the mouth for more than 4 years and is not decayed. so i donot think you need sealants but still you can take second opinion from another dentist. for more nformation on dental topics like bruxism which is grinding of teeth you can visit www.identalhub.com. they even have the facility for free dental consultation by the dentist where all your queries are answered by a dentistHealth Question & Answer

Sealants are typically done on children because when the teeth erupt there can be deep pits and grooves and the sealant is to prevent cavities from forming. As adults we have worn our teeth slightly so the pits and grooves are easier to access (and out hygiene habits are better which helps too). It is always a good idea to have a custom night guard, they fit better and last much longer then the store bought ones. also sometimes the store bought ones tend to make grinding worse because they do not fit our teeth and mouths very well. All in all make sure to get a second opinion from another dentist and I would make sure not to mention what the other dentist found to see if there is any consistancy between the findings. Good luck!Health Question & Answer

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