19 years old, two cavities, haven't seen a dentist since I was 14?!

Question: 19 years old, two cavities, haven't seen a dentist since I was 14.?
When I was 14 they pulled a tooth that was not supposed to be there. I don't remember what they called it but it was like an extra tooth between the two front teeth. So far, my teeth have just kind of moved back to where they need to be. Most people tell me I have amazing teeth. BUT they don't see the two large cavities in the back teeth. One on either side.

After they pulled that random tooth they gave me a root canal but never got to cap it. What will the damage be if I've been taking care of my teeth since then as far as brushing after every meal, using mouth wash, and flossing.? The tooth they began the root canal on has begun falling apart. Health Question & Answer

I had this happen to me..I didn't go to the dentist for 5 years until last month. Well, now I'm paying to get 8 cavaties filled & a bunch of other crap that just NATURALLY happens even if you take good care of your teeth. I would REALLY REALLY go to the dentist and get the crown for my root canal. You could develope an abcess (I got one, NOT FUN!) from food particles going into the empty root.Health Question & Answer

The tooth they began the root canal on left without a cap will fall apart (which you said is already happening). Left untreated it will eventually need to be removed as the falling apart is decay. You can get an infection which could harm your other teeth and gums not to mention the loss of the original tooth. I'd suggest going to a dentist and seeing if the tooth can still be saved. The taking care of your teeth helps prevent future issues but unfortunately wont reverse existing damage (ie the tooth that needs a cap). Good luck. Health Question & Answer

Brush your tongue also. Sweep all that accumulated residue out with your brush. The human mouth is one of the smelliest,dirtiest places on the planet. It's all live bacteria living and staying overnight in there especially if you don't include this simple step in your routine brushing.
Keeps colds and viruses from moving in to stay for a while too.Health Question & Answer

yesHealth Question & Answer

If you are practicing good hygiene, there are other factors that can cause cavities and problems. Sometimes old dental work just needs to be replaced. You may need fluoride in your toothpaste or mouthwash, you may be grinding your teeth at night, maybe you're not eating a healthy diet.Health Question & Answer

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