Why do our teeth chatter when we're cold?!

Question: Why do our teeth chatter when we're cold.?
Why do our teeth chatter when we're cold.?
I've been wondering for a while now, and they ALWAYS chatter when I'm cold.
Why does that happen.? : ]Health Question & Answer

Well, it's actually a sort of cool thing that happens. Whenever our brain senses any dramatic change in body temperature it signals our muscles to move to generate more heat to warm our body. That's why we tend to jump around, rub our arms, and stuff, and yes, there is one involuntary movement that happens...teeth chatter. Just one more desperate attempt our body makes to rectify the problem of being too cold!Health Question & Answer

It is the your bodies way of maintaining homeostasis(98.6degrees) When the brain realizes your cold it sends a signal to your muscles to start moving to produce heat.Thats why you shiver.The same way you sweat when you are hot because the body is trying to cool off.Health Question & Answer

when you're cold, you shiver because your muscles are contracting rapidly to generate heat to keep you warm. the chattering is due to the muscles of your face contractingHealth Question & Answer

muscle group closest to your head is rapidly contracting to generate warmth in your head, the most vital part of your body. Health Question & Answer

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