What is this stuff that comes out of my throat?!

Question: What is this stuff that comes out of my throat.?
Sorry for the graphic question, but sometimes I cough up these tiny little things in my mouth. They are small, I don't know really what to compare it with, but it's DEFINITELY smaller than a penny. Anyways they're roundish, and kind of yellowish whiteish. It feels kind of like macaroni 0_o It smells absolutely horrid, like the worst morning breath in the world. It has a pretty strong scent. Anyways, what could this be.? Is it food that got stuck in my throught and then came back up.? I'm just wondering... Health Question & Answer

these are called tonsiliths or tonsil stones.
It means your tonsils are expressing bacteria trapped by immune cells and normal lymphatic fluid.
These are very stinky and tend to occur generally when you've had a cold or flue.
These no need to poke at your tonsils with objects to get them out.
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I suggest consulting your doctor.
I, personally, have never heard of that.Health Question & Answer

Sounds exactly like tonsiliths to me! I'll let him get the 10 pts :)Health Question & Answer

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